National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Robert L. Bertini, Ph.D. Portland State University February 15, 2013
Bertini Top 10 1.Get to know your program director (through a contact) 2.Serve on a review panel (send program director your CV and volunteer) 3.Take broader impacts seriously and include some education literature 4.Ask PSU for match (e.g. tuition remission) 5.Address recruitment 6.Include specific means for evaluation of research and education (talk to Center for Academic Excellence) 7.CAREER not just research--comprehensive proposal for a research, education and outreach program 8.Review abstracts of past proposals 9.Specificity in research tasks 10.Include some external partners with letters of support 11.Balance between being too broad and too narrow 12.Try to think “transformational” 1 IM BI
Bryant York, CISE Program officer at NSF Ran the PYI program PYI NY CAREER ? FAQ: NSF CAREER Workshop – USF – 4/8-9/ /main.htm /main.htm
CMD-IT ACW Academic Careers Workshop (2005-pres) Underrepresented groups April 11-14, 2013, Northwestern University York old slides 09.pdf 09.pdf Mock Panel