Presentation to a Local Business or Chamber of Commerce
What is SkillsUSA? National student organization serving students enrolled in career and technical education training program in Georgia’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers and responsible American citizens.
What is the SkillsUSA Youth Development Foundation? The foundation works to raise public and private awareness, through active financial and volunteer support, for SkillsUSA Georgia’s hands-on education contests and programs across the state. This support ultimately results in inspiring Georgia’s high school students to excellence at national competition and in pursuit of life long careers in many of Georgia's industries.
Key Facts of the YDF: Started in 2008 To date has raised over $125,000 and sent 200 plus students to National Skills and Leadership Conference in Kansas City, MO In 2010, gave a travel stipend to every national competitor
How the YDF helps Georgia Students: It means a lot that there are people around me that want to see me succeed and are willing to devote their resources. Adam Beaudoin Hiram High School By sponsoring our team, you are not only funding a trip, you are funding the future goals and dreams of multiple students. Hannah Stepp Golden Isles Career Academy
Without help from community members like you, none of this would be possible. Thank you! Cynthia Ray Murray Co. High School While I have never met you, your support of SkillsUSA and myself will stay with me for the rest of my life. Russell Cone Bainbridge High School
How You Can Help: Help the YDF and the students in your county with a financial donation. Offer to train gold medalist in a skill you specialize in. Sponsor a contest at the State Leadership and Skills Conference.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to working together in the future.