Workshop instructions: Download the student Socrative app for your mobile device eg phone, tablet etc Mac or Android products Wait for further instructions Via web got to Student log in Wait for further instructions
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Press 1 for Yes, Press 2 for No or Press 3 for Further Instructions Malcolm Jolly 2013 UB Learning and Teaching Conference
Overview Student response systems clicker technology Wirelessly connecting Youth for Future Success Project
Room number XXXX
Room number Join Room
Student View
Teacher View
Quick Quiz - Introductory Activity Is everyone ready to start? A = Yes – Let’s go for it B = Not just yet, give me a minute to finish my coffee C = Gee, do we have to do it now? D = No way, try another time E = Too bad it’s coffee time
Room Pulse Check Which sector do you primarily work in? A TAFE B University
How do you get from A to B? Choice 1 Climb the stairs Choice 2 Walk around the square
Finish this sentence What I found out too late was……..
Finish this sentence It seemed like a good idea at the time ……..
Collaborative Exercise Great teachers provide ………
Collaborative Exercise Great students ……..
Idea from Richelle Hunt ABC 774 Reporter
Clicker Technology Tobin and Lozanovski (2012) discuss two different pedagogical uses of clickers – students’ perceptions and self-efficacy. Tobin and Lozanovski (2012) Socrative describes itself, “As a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via laptops, smartphones and tablets.”
Choose Your Own Adventure Option A: Introduction to project Option B: More on Student Response Systems (clicker technologies)
Option A – Project Introduction Wirelessly Connecting Youth for Future Success Partnership for Participation funded under the National VET E-Learning Strategy
Mobile learning solution for testing of literacy and numeracy capabilities of disadvantaged youth in Gippsland’s Latrobe Valley Build literacy and numeracy skills
Learner Profile Aged Male, female Highly disruptive in mainstream classes Poor/low literacy and numeracy skills Many from dysfunctional families, mental health issues, intellectual disabilities Multiple scoliosis, asperger’s syndrome, visually impaired
Project Stages Testing of literacy and numeracy levels Explored the use of mobile devices Researched and tested different apps Trained teaching staff Expanded use of mobile devices
Testing of Learners/Categories of Learners Spelling and reading at lower level of primary school Spelling, reading, comprehension to an approximate year 9 level Basic numeracy, comprehension to lower primary Numeracy comprehension up to year 9
Exploring Mobile Devices Project officer and project manager Students self discovery
Exploring Apps Project officer Student activity What are some of the features you need to consider when contemplating the use of a particular app to assist with literacy and numeracy education in VET?
Age appropriate Game/entertaining Colour Accent Type of animation Sound/s Spelling Cost Multiple users
Training/supporting of staff Workshops Classroom Field trips Training Problem solving App research
Expanded Use of Mobile Devices Create an expectation Provide solutions Support Source devices Work with IT department
Selected Findings Student views compared to teacher view Age appropriate apps A tool not ‘the’ tool Keep the learner in mind Ask a teenager Explore and experiment Change the setting Organisational issues/matters
Room number Join Room
Option B – Student Response Systems Volunteer please
Tergiversate means? End End End End End End
Tergiversate means? Option B cont…
Option B – Student Response Systems “Ask the audience”
Option B cont… Tergiversate means: A.To spend time idly; or loafing around B.To repeatedly change one’s attitude or opinion with respect to a cause or subject C.To flee or abscond D.To remove or modify passages considered vulgar or objectionable
Tergiversate means? End End End End End End
Option B cont… Tergiversate means: To repeatedly change one’s attitude or opinion with respect to a cause or subject Answer B
Group Activity Select a person to act as the group’s “responder”
Exit Ticket
Malcolm Jolly