National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Services and Outcomes Reporting And Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Enhancement Christine Lenske and Beth Rudy November
Agenda Review NYTD Background and Rule Review NYTD Background and Rule Review Services Data Collection Review Services Data Collection –Requirements –Implementation Outcomes Data Collection Outcomes Data Collection –Requirements –eWiSACWIS Implementation –Implementation Work Flow –Outcomes Follow-up Population Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Plan Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Plan Reports Reports Questions Questions
NYTD Background & Rule Chafee Foster Care Independence Act Chafee Foster Care Independence Act NYTD Rule NYTD Rule –Services Reporting ( DSP Memo Series ) –Outcomes Reporting ( DSP Memo Series )
Service Reporting Who are we reporting on? Who are we reporting on? –Youth eligible for IL services up to age 21
Service Reporting in eWiSACWIS The Independent Living Page The Independent Living Page –Document IL activities/services (employment, health, budgeting, housing, etc.) eWiSACWIS elements eWiSACWIS elements –Demographic information (gender, race, tribe, DOB) –Education (last grade level attained, Sp. Ed., etc.) –Juvenile Justice
Outcomes Reporting Who are we reporting on? Who are we reporting on? –Baseline Population: All Youth who turn 17 and are in out-of-home care. –Follow-Up Population: All youth age 19 who were in baseline. All youth age 21 who were in baseline. Method for obtaining data Method for obtaining data –Survey –eWiSACWIS (Demographic Information)
Outcomes Reporting Data Being Captured –Current employment –Highest education received –Education enrollment and attendance –Connection to an adult –Substance abuse referral –Incarceration –Housing –Homelessness –Medicaid recipient –Health Insurance –Employment related skills –Receiving social security –Public housing assistance –Public food assistance –Public financial assistance –Birthed or fathered any children –Marital status
Outcomes Survey Implementation eWiSACWIS Tickler Tickler –45-day countdown from youth’s 17 th birthday –Deleted within two weeks after survey completion –All youth age 17 as of October 1, 2010 IL Page: New Outcomes Tab IL Page: New Outcomes Tab –Link to survey –Reasons for non-completion –Survey completed box –Completed survey download
Outcomes Survey Implementation Work Flow 1. Worker access FosterClub website: a National network site for foster youth 2. Worker registers youth for membership on FosterClub with eWiSACWIS I.D. 3. Youth completes his/her profile 4. Click on NYTD Link to complete survey
Outcomes Survey Implementation Work Flow Wisconsin’s NYTD Survey Link: Wisconsin’s NYTD Survey Link: wisconsin wisconsin OR OR
Outcomes Survey Implementation Work Flow 5. Youth completes survey with assistance from worker (to answer questions, eWiSACWIS ID) 6. Results will be returned via data file to DCF and uploaded to eWiSACWIS IL Outcomes tab (within two weeks) 7. If youth approves, survey downloaded to Outcomes tab on IL page (within two weeks)
Outcomes Survey Implementation Reasons for non-reporting Reasons for non-reporting –Youth declined –Parent declined –Youth incapacitated –Youth incarcerated –Runaway/missing –Unable to locate youth Response Bias Response Bias NYTD Questions: ‘declined’ option for each one NYTD Questions: ‘declined’ option for each one IL Outcomes Report IL Outcomes Report –Updated bi-weekly (available on-demand)
Outcomes Survey Implementation (Continued) Engaging Youth Engaging Youth –Opportunity for youth to communicate how they are doing –Opportunity for them to impact positive change in child welfare –Keys for success: Good contact information Good contact information Membership on FosterClub Membership on FosterClub Relationships forged prior to leaving care Relationships forged prior to leaving care Ongoing communication after leaving care Ongoing communication after leaving care May need to offer various methods for completion May need to offer various methods for completion
Outcomes Survey Implementation (Continued) Resources Resources –DSP Memo Series NYTD Tip Sheet Survey Survey Explanations Caseworker Talking Points Flyer for Youth
Outcomes Follow-Up Population Ages 19 and 21 Automated as much as possible from Foster Club at age 19 and 21 Automated as much as possible from Foster Club at age 19 and 21 Youth will complete survey on own unless assistance is needed from county agency Youth will complete survey on own unless assistance is needed from county agency eWiSACWIS Report will indicate who should complete the survey and who has eWiSACWIS Report will indicate who should complete the survey and who has If survey not completed within 90-days, county agency is responsible to follow-up with youth If survey not completed within 90-days, county agency is responsible to follow-up with youth
eWiSACWIS Design/Implementation Schedule Design of Services Enhancement Design of Services Enhancement January 2010–Sept 2010: Outcomes survey/collection design and policy development January 2010–Sept 2010: Outcomes survey/collection design and policy development October 18, 2010: Outcomes collection eWiSACWIS release October 18, 2010: Outcomes collection eWiSACWIS release October 18, 2010: Begin outcomes collection for 17 yr. olds. October 18, 2010: Begin outcomes collection for 17 yr. olds. May 2011: Submit First Data File to ACF. May 2011: Submit First Data File to ACF. October 2012: Begin Outcomes collection for 19 yr. olds October 2012: Begin Outcomes collection for 19 yr. olds October 2014: Begin Outcomes collection for 21 yr. olds. October 2014: Begin Outcomes collection for 21 yr. olds.
Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Plan eWiSACWIS Enhancement Fostering Connections and Increasing Adoptions Act Fostering Connections and Increasing Adoptions Act –Requires that during the 90-day period immediately prior to the date on which a child is expected to age out of placement a plan must be developed for making the transition to independent living. The transition plan must be personalized at the direction of the youth, shall be as detailed as the youth directs and must include specific options for obtaining: housing; health care; education; mentoring; work force support and employment services; and continuing necessary supportive services after leaving out-of-home care.
ILTD Plan Continued… The Wisconsin Federal Changes Act 79 ensures: The Wisconsin Federal Changes Act 79 ensures: –The completion of the plan –Imposes requirements for specific items –The planning phase must begin at age 17 ½ –The plan must list specific goals and activities to be achieved prior to exiting care –Insures youth involvement in development of the plan
ILTD eWiSACWIS Enhancement Addition of ILTD date field to IL page Addition of ILTD date field to IL page Addition of Contacts tab added to IL page (for reference after youth leaves care) Addition of Contacts tab added to IL page (for reference after youth leaves care) Workers will be reminded to start gathering contact information with NYTD Tickler Message Workers will be reminded to start gathering contact information with NYTD Tickler Message
ILTD eWiSACWIS Enhancement Continued… Implementation Implementation –Tickler at age 17 ½ –90 days to create ILTD Plan –Enter completion date in ILTD date field on IL page –90 days from discharge; implement ILTD Plan –Record activities on IL Services tab
ILTD Plan Requirements Housing Housing Health (incl. importance of designating someone to make decisions if youth can’t) Health (incl. importance of designating someone to make decisions if youth can’t) Education Education Connection to supporting adults Connection to supporting adults Employment Employment Income Income Opportunities for continued support services Opportunities for continued support services Essential documents Essential documents Other as deemed by youth Other as deemed by youth
IL Service Reports IL Services Report: Sm0803 IL Services Report: Sm0803 –Monthly or On Demand –Captures all children eligible for IL services at the time the report is run –Captures all children eligible for IL services at the time the report is run –The detail report lists all of the same information captured on the IL page, including assessment and plan dates and IL services provided
eWiSACWIS IL Services Report The SM0803 summary report includes a summary of the following The SM0803 summary report includes a summary of the following
eWiSACWIS IL Outcomes Reports SM08x101-NYTD Youth Contact Information SM08x101-NYTD Youth Contact Information SM08x103-Weekly NYTD Youth Contact Information SM08x103-Weekly NYTD Youth Contact Information SM08x104-NYTD Youth 17 Outcome Survey Report SM08x104-NYTD Youth 17 Outcome Survey Report
eWiSACWIS IL Contacts Reports SM08x101-NYTD Youth Contact Information and SM08x103-Weekly NYTD Youth Contact Information
eWiSACWIS IL Outcomes Reports SM08x104-NYTD Youth 17 Outcome Survey Report
SM08x104-NYTD Youth 17 Outcome Survey Report - Detail
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions What case is the IL plan tied to? What case is the IL plan tied to? –If the child is in an open case, the plan will be tied to any case the child is listed as a participant in. What impact does the end date have on services data? What impact does the end date have on services data? –An end date must be listed if the service is no longer ongoing, or that service will be considered a current service in the reports.
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions Who gets the ticklers? Who gets the ticklers? –The primary worker automatically gets the IL ticklers for the child. However, if the tickler needs to go to the IL worker, that can be reassigned by a supervisor through Tickler Management.
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions There are youth listed on our SM0803 that shouldn’t be. There are youth listed on our SM0803 that shouldn’t be. –IL Report Logic: 1.Looks for county that created the IL record 2.If no IL record documented > looks for county case where youth is a household member 3.If youth is documented in the household of more than one case > most recent placement
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions Example Example –Youth is removed by County A –An IL record was not created prior to leaving care –Default to the county of household the youth belongs to (if household moves to County B, but youth remains in County A >Youth shows up as a County B youth) Resolution Resolution –Communicate with County A; make change on IL page
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions How many days do I have to complete a survey on a youth that comes into care 30 days after his or her 17 th birthday? How many days do I have to complete a survey on a youth that comes into care 30 days after his or her 17 th birthday? –15 days What if that youth returns home on the 40 th day? What if that youth returns home on the 40 th day? –Youth remains part of the baseline population. Is it necessary to get a parental release for minors to complete the survey? The data collection required by NYTD is not considered a research activity that is subject to the Federal regulations for the protection of human subjects. Therefore, there is no specific Federal requirement or procedure to seek informed consent of a youth, or parent. However, States are encouraged to develop their own procedures to ensure that youth understand the purpose and use of the survey, including the voluntary nature of the survey. A consent form not only explains the study to the youth but gives youth clear decision-making authority regarding their participation, and if worded in a youth friendly manner, may actually assist in garnering the participation of youth in the NYTD
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions Is it necessary to get a parental release for minors to complete the survey? – –The data collection required by NYTD is not considered a research activity that is subject to the Federal regulations for the protection of human subjects. Therefore, there is no specific Federal requirement or procedure to seek informed consent. – –However, agencies are encouraged to develop their own procedures to ensure that youth understand the purpose and use of the survey, including that it is voluntary. A consent form could explain the study and gives the youth clear decision-making authority regarding their participation, and if worded in a youth friendly manner, may actually assist in garnering the participation of youth in the NYTD survey. – –NYTD Flyer
eWiSACWIS Frequently Asked Questions On the IL Contacts tab, there are spaces for and secondary contact info but how does it get entered? On the IL Contacts tab, there are spaces for and secondary contact info but how does it get entered? –The addresses can be entered on the child's Person Management page on the Address tab. These will pre-fill to the page when it is saved. If the child is in an Out of Home Placement, the worker will have to wait until the child is no longer in the placement as the address is "frozen" when a child is placed. Option: Put the child in the Other Collaterals section in the mean time.
Any new questions?