Understanding Population Trends and Processes: Overview and Plans RRB Directors Group Meeting, Medical Research Council, London, 5 October 2006
UPTAP projects commissioned during summer 2005 Some projects began in October 2005 Coordinator commenced duties in November 2005 First Advisory Committee meeting in March 2006 Inaugural conference for researchers in March 2006 Four year programme Overview
Primary aims of UPTAP To build capacity in secondary data analysis To promote the use of large-scale social science data sets, both qualitative and quantitative To improve our understanding of demographic trends and processes which affect society To collaborate and communicate with user (policy-making) communities beyond the academic sector
To build capacity in secondary data analysis amongst new and mid-career researchers To spread knowledge and use of secondary analysis through and beyond the social science community To add value to the ESRC investments in the collection, preservation and promotion of large- scale national data sets by encouraging their use and exploitation in the longer term, to maximize the knowledge gained about demographic and social change from secondary data analysis Principal objectives of UPTAP
ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) ESRC Research Methods Programme ESRC Researcher Development Initiative ESRC Census Programme ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) Links with other ESRC initiatives
4 Postdoctoral Fellowships 6 Mid-career Research Fellowships 1 User Fellowship 7 Small Research Grants 3 Large Projects (with linked studentships) Currently, 21 projects involving 31 researchers Initial UPTAP awards
DisciplinesDisciplines represented epidemiology; economics; geography; politics; primary care and social medicine; public health; sociology; social policy OrganisationsOrganisations represented Universities: Birkbeck; Birmingham; Bristol; Dundee; Edinburgh; Imperial; Institute of Education; Leeds; LSE; LSHTM; Manchester; Oxford; St Andrews; Sheffield; Stirling; Surrey; UCL Other: ONS
1 October 2005 Saffron Karlsen and James Nazroo; Yaojun Li and Anthony Heath; Paul Norman 1 November 2005 Roona Simpson; Eric Kaufmann 1 January 2006 Ernestina Coast; Shu-Li Cheng; Dan Vickers; Dimitris Ballas; Daniel Guinea-Martin; Kirstine Hansen, Heather Joshi and Denise Hawkes; Sarah Smith and Mike Brewer; Harriet Young and Emily Grundy 1 February 2006 Paula Surridge 1 March 2006 Patrick Sturgis and Nick Allum Those projects already underway
1 June 2006 Paul Boyle, Vernon Gayle, Elspeth Graham and Ali Zohoor 1 August 2006 Alison Smith; Oliver Duke-Williams 1 October 2006 Michelle Jackson; Gopalakrishnan Netuveli One project yet to commence 1 May 2007 Claudia Thomas
THEMES Demographic change - residential change Fertility - motherhood - childlessness Living arrangements - childcare Cohabitation - mobility Health - wellbeing - employment Education Identity - ethnicity - segregation Social and political values See flyer for details
British Cohort Study (BCS) British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) British Election Study (BES) British Social Attitudes (BSA) Survey Census of Population (CAS, SMS, SWS, STS) Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) International English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) ‘Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community’ (EMPIRIC) study European Community Household Panel (ECHP) European Social Survey (ESS) European Values Survey (EVS) Family Expenditure Survey (FES) Main British and European data sources Family Resources Survey (FRS) General Household Survey (GHS) Health Survey for England (HSE) Home Office Citizenship Survey (HOCS) Labour Force Survey (LFS) Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) ‘Muslims in Europe’ (ME) study National Child Development Survey (NCDS) National Survey of Ethnic Minorities (NSEM) ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) Mid-year Population Estimates Vital Statistics (VS) Youth Cohort Study (YCS)
13 UPTAP researchers taking various training courses – see circulated list prepared for ESRC Cross-Board Working Group on Quantitative Methods 7 UPTAP researchers to attend next ESRC Media and Communications Training Workshop Training
UPTAP web site UPTAP Communications Strategy - £50K UPTAP User Fellowships - £300K Importance of collaboration and communication beyond the academic sector
home page
News items
UPTAP Communications Strategy Identify communications objectives: - Initially, raising awareness about the initiative and opportunities for user involvement; - later on, dissemination of results of research to users Target user audiences: Central Government officers; MPs; local authority officers; regional administrators; those working in non-government administrative organisations (e.g. NHS); others
Association of Census Distributors (ACD); Association of Geographical Information (AGI); Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector (ARVAC); Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO); Association of Regional Observatories (ARO); Audit Commission; British Society for Population Studies (BSPS); British Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (BURISA); Central and Local Government Information Partnership (CLIP); Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG); General Register Office Scotland (GROS); Government Social Research Unit (GSRU); …………………. and so on Creation of database of practitioner/user organisations
UPTAP flyers (series) Short articles about UPTAP in Newsletters (e.g. BURISA) UPTAP Research Bulletins (series) Bespoke workshops for particular groups of users (e.g. MPs, civil servants,..) UPTAP sessions within user conferences (e.g. LARIA, RSS, …) UPTAP launch seminar for policy-makers Contribution to Social Science Week Conference for practitioners (2008/09) These activities matched with parallel series of academic outputs: journal papers; book chapters; books; conferences; …. Documentation and Participation
Call announced on 22 September 2006 with end- October deadline Opportunity for young/mid career researcher in user organisation to work on secondary data with academic in a centre of excellence Aims to enhance collaboration and build capacity Funding covers salary costs for 6 months (or 12 months part-time) with max funding of £45K Academic makes JeS application (guidelines available) and provides mentoring Aim is to fund 5 or 6 User Fellowships initially UPTAP User Fellowships
“Building Capacity in Secondary Data Analysis”UPTAP Seminar for policy-makers on “Building Capacity in Secondary Data Analysis” at LGA on 28 November 2006 Round 2 of UPTAPCall for Round 2 of UPTAP funding (£1.2 million) with special focus on the theme of ‘ethnicity’ Second ConferenceSecond Conference for UTAP participants at University of Leeds on March 2007 BSPS Annual ConferenceUPTAP Session at the BSPS Annual Conference at University of St Andrews in September 2007 Workshops for users (plans in pipeline) Participation in user conferences Forthcoming UPTAP activities
UPTAP Co-ordinator John Stillwell School of Geography University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT