Economic Co-operation Projects Facility Asia Invest Asia Pro Eco Asia IT&C
EU-Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility
Designed to enhance the relationship between EU and Thailand on trade, investment and related areas in order to strengthen the economic partnership. Funds granted to successful applicants under competitive Calls for Proposals
Areas eligible for funding EU legislation on bilateral trade and investment; EU trade policy issues (WTO Doha) Mutual market access Quality improvement for enhanced market access; Facilitating relations between EU and Thail R&D organisations
What activities can be funded? training, educational and capacity building; studies; media events and products; business-related research; conferences, seminars and workshops (excluding individual scholarships); others that promote the image of the EU and Thailand as models or examples of best or unique practice.
Eligible Applicants Only Thailand-based non-profit making governmental, NGO, local authorities, business associations, universities; Others such as think-tanks.
EC Grants to projects Total Available 4 million € Grants size 30,000 – 200,000 € Cofinancing: Max EC contribution: 75% of eligible costs
Implementation Projects to be selected through Call for Proposals mechanism Minimum one call per year 2004/ 05/ 06 Normal project duration - one year See EC SPF Flyer for further information
Asia-Invest Phase II
Business co-operation between the EU and Asia Increase awareness of business potential Facilitate opportunities for partnerships between SMEs, Reinforce business intermediaries Enhance Asian private sector development and its internationalisation Improve the local business environment Strengthen mutual trade and investment flow
Seven InstrumentsInstruments Asia Venture: Small scale business missions Asia Venture Asia-Interprise: Medium scale events Asia-Interprise Asia Partenariat: Large scale events Asia Partenariat Asia-Invest Technical Assistance Asia-Invest Technical Assistance Asia-Invest Trade and Investment Facilitation Studies Asia-Invest Trade and Investment Facilitation Studies Asia-Invest Alliance Asia-Invest Alliance Asia-Invest Forum Asia-Invest Forum Asia-Invest Phase II
Workplan 2004 Call for Proposals for Grants (Interprise, Technical Assistance, Venture, Alliance) Euro (60 projects) There will be one call for proposals in 2004 with 2 deadlines in late April and early October Call for Proposals for PARTENARIAT events (grants) (Thailand 2005) Tender for Services (Studies and Forum)
Europe-Asia Partnerships for Environment EU-Asia Pro Eco
Strengthen the environmental dialogue between Europe and Asia Europe-Asia partnerships to share strategies, technologies and know-how EC budget 31.5 million € over five years ( ) Up-coming deadlines 3 May and 4 October 2004
Asia Pro Eco - Principal Objectives Increase environmental quality and health conditions Promote sustainable investment and trade between EU and Asia Improve environmental performance in Asian economic sectors
Asia Pro Eco - Focus Asia Pro Eco focuses on: energy air pollution and climate change water management waste management sustainable development
Asia Pro Eco – supported activities Diagnostic Studies Technology Partnerships Demonstration Activities Operational and Practical Dialogue
Eligible Applicants Non-profit-making organisations Chambers of Commerce Industrial or Environment Associations National, regional or local authorities NGOs Research Institutes or Universities
Projects in Thailand Examples: Advancing Environmental Management, German-Thai Chamber of Commerce Management Pesticides in Vegetable Systems in SE Asia, AIT
Asia Pro Eco website: Dates of Calls for Proposals & deadlines (May & Oct 2004) Guidelines and Application Forms Frequently Asked Questions Partner Search Database Asia Pro Eco Information and Briefing Sessions Asia Pro Eco Update For More Information..
EU-Asia IT&C Phase II
Objective: Foster EU-Asia partnership in ICT € 10 million available for 2004 (for estimated 50 projects) 6 Areas of Activity (Agriculture, Education, Environment, Health, Transport, and eGovernance) Co-financing More information at: