European Commission Enterprise and Industry The EU strategy on raw materials and mining European Commission Enterprise and Industry Paul Anciaux Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission Enterprise and Industry The EU strategy on raw materials and mining European Commission Enterprise and Industry Paul Anciaux Policy Officer Framtidens Gruv och Mineralindustri Stockholm, 30 January 2012

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Structure of the presentation  Raw materials  Challenges related to raw materials  EU Raw materials strategy Critical raw materials Fair and sustainable supply of raw materials from global markets Fostering sustainable supply within the EU Boosting resource efficiency and promoting recycling  Way forward

European Commission Enterprise and Industry

European Commission Enterprise and Industry EU Non-Energy Extractive Industries (NEEI)  Turnover: 48 billion €  Employment: 280,000  Companies: > 17,500  Sub-sectors:  Construction minerals  Industrial minerals  Metallic ores Figures relate to Source: Eurostat

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Construction minerals EU Eurostat last up date 09/09/2010 Curtesy of H. Wittmann, Best practice report

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Industrial minerals EU Source: World Mining Data 2010 Industrial minerals (2008) Annual production (tonnes) EU production as % of global production EU countries with > 1% of global output Perlite1,008, Greece Feldspar10,565, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Spain Kaolin7,366, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, UK Gypsum29,098, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK Salt49,543, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, UK Bentonite2,958, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain Talc1,341, Austria, Finland, France, Italy Magnesite3,308, Austria, Greece, Slovakia, Spain Potash4,156, Germany, Spain, UK Diatomite152,2429.4Czech Republic, France, Spain Fluorspar289,0704.8Spain Barytes180, Graphite3,

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Metal mining EU Source: World Mining Data 2010 Metals (2008)Annual production (tonnes) EU production as % of global production EU countries with > 1% of global output Silver1,7018.0Poland, Sweden Zinc799,5936.9Ireland, Poland, Sweden Lead207,4775.4Ireland, Sweden, Poland Copper755,6474.9Poland Tungsten2,2673.9Austria, Portugal Mercury333.0Finland Chromium307,4422.9Finland Nickel29,2861.9Greece Iron16,052,6181.4Sweden Bauxite2,736,2091.4Greece Gold Manganese30, Tin290.0-

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Raw materials challenges  Continued growth by emerging countries will keep pressure on demand for raw materials  Demand also increasingly driven by demand for new technologies  EU highly dependent on imports of important raw materials which are increasingly affected by market distortions  Potential in Europe, but increased competition for different land uses and a highly regulated environment

European Commission Enterprise and Industry  Communication of 2 February 2011 presents the Commission’s integrated strategy which outlines actions in the area of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials  It further pursues and reinforces the 3 pillar-based approach of the Raw Materials Initiative: 1) Fair and sustainable supply from global markets 2) Foster sustainable supply of raw materials from EU sources 3) Boost resource efficiency and promote recycling EU Raw materials strategy

European Commission Enterprise and Industry EU raw materials diplomacy with a view to securing access to raw materials through strategic partnerships and policy dialogues Raw materials diplomacy

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Reinforce trade strategy  Develop bilateral dialogues and strengthen ongoing debates (e.g. G20, UNCTAD, WTO, OECD)  Include raw material issues in trade negotiations  Continue to tackle barriers through dialogue, but dispute settlement where justified

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Development policy and sustainable supply of raw materials  Sustainable supply needs and development goals => creating win-win situations to translate resource wealth into sustainable growth  Cooperation under Africa-EU Joint Strategy Union ( ) with focus on three areas: 1.Governance 2.Investment 3.Geological knowledge/skills

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Development policy and sustainable supply of raw materials (ctd)  Enhance support to EITI  Promote disclosure of financial information by extractive sector  Examine ways to improve transparency throughout supply chain (e.g. conflict minerals)

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Sustainable supply in EU  Exploration  Access to land  Regulatory framework  Availability of skills  RTD and innovation  Health and safety

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Access to land  Promote the exchange of best practice in land use planning and administrative conditions for exploration and extraction: √ Report published by European Commission (2010) √ Guidelines promoting the compatibility of NEEI with Natura 2000 conservation goals (2010)  Clear and understandable minerals exploration and extraction authorisation process contributing to the streamlining of the administrative process: introduction of lead times permit applications in parallel one-stop-shop / parallel assessment  Commission proposes to assess with Member States the feasibility of establishing a mechanism to monitor actions by Member States in this area, in full respect of subsidiarity

European Commission Enterprise and Industry One Geology Europe ProMine ExPerl ImpactMin EO-MINERS I²Mine ERA-MIN EuroGeoSource Data capture and analysis for Exploration. “Horizon 2020” Exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution Promote RTD and innovation

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Case #1: ProMine   Budget: € 17 million  27 partners from 11 Member States  Aims to improve the EU’s knowledge base for actual and future deposits  Develop first ever pan- European GIS-based mineral resources database and detailed 4D computer modelling system Assessments and homogenising multi-layer information system within the ProMine-Project building a basis for 3D and 4D modelling.

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Case #2: EuroGeoSource   Budget: 2.5 million €  11 Member States  Aims to provide a user- friendly, distributed web GIS information portal that improves the knowledge base on energy and mineral resources in Europe

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Case #3:   Budget: 25,4 million € (of which 16 million € FP7)  26 partners from 10 Member States  Innovative Technologies and Concepts for the Sustainable and Intelligent Deep Mine of the Future

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Case #4: Era-Min   Budget: 1,5 million € (FP7)  11 partners from 9 Member States  ERA-NET on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European industries  Coordination of research programmes in the field of industrial production and supply of raw materials, in line with the “EU RMI” Primary resources Secondary resources Environmental impact Education Teaching Development cooperation Public policy support

European Commission Enterprise and Industry  Need for innovation along the entire value chain of raw materials  Commission preparing a proposal for an Innovation Partnership on raw materials within the Europe 2020 Innovation Union Flagship Potential Innovation Partnership on raw materials (EIP RM)

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Key components (EIP RM)  Technology-focused policy areas ► Exploration, extraction, processing, recycling (WP1) ► Substitution (WP2)  Non Technology policy areas ► Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework, knowledge and infrastructure base, e.g. access to land. (WP3) ► Promotion of excellence, resource efficiency and recycling, e.g. public procurement and private initiatives.(WP4)  International cooperation ► Promoting appropriate international cooperation. May deal with different policy issues such as geology, research, trade and investment conditions. (WP5)

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Potential 2020 targets (EIP RM)  Standards and Statistics ► Resources and Reserves (continental and marine) ► 3-D-geological maps ► dynamic modeling of trends – demand and supply  Economically viable resources – complete LCA  10 innovative pilot activities ► Demonstration pilot plants ► mining, processing, production, recycling and collecting ► Substitutes for at least 3 applications of critical raw materials  Network of Research, Education and Training Centres on Sustainable Mining and Materials Management (M³)  Establishment of international raw materials dialogue

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Council supports proposed approach in its Conclusions of 10 March 2011 EP has adopted a Resolution on 13 September 2011 which expresses support and provides further political guidance Way forward

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Need for reinforced cooperation with Member States (e.g. national raw materials strategies) Increase the level of awareness and cooperation at international level Way forward

European Commission Enterprise and Industry Thank you for your attention ! References EU raw materials webpage: Report on critical raw materials: Report on best practices in area of land use planning, permitting and geological knowledge: Natura 2000 guidelines: Trade raw materials activity report 2009: JRC report on critical metals and energy technologies: in-strategic-energy-technologies