Vision-to-Action Selecting Data Targets Document 3.3 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
REVIEW American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
TODAY Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data
% of STUDENT GROUP who BENCHMARK Expressing Achievement Fields % ofSTUDENT GROUPwhoBENCHMARK % ofall studentswhopass the state math test % ofthird graderswhopass the state math test % ofclass of 2017whopass the state math test % ofninth graderswhopass 2 semesters of Alg I % ofboyswhoread at grade level.
Student Groups STUDENT GROUPS Female Male Native American Black Asian Hispanic White Multiracial Free-Reduced Lunch Paid Lunch Non-Limited English Limited English Special Education – IEP General Education Option 1: ALL STUDENTS Option 2:
7 InSAI Data Charts Student group represented by the data Benchmark represented by the data # of students who reach the benchmark # of students in the student group % of students who reach the benchmark Student GroupPass 2 semesters of Alg I Freshman completers 66% (322 / 484)
8 TREND vs VERTICAL DATA TRENDVERTICAL Compares a group of students one year to a similar group of students the next year Compares a group of students one year to the same group of students the next year EXAMPLES % of all students who... % of third graders who... EXAMPLES % of students in the class of 2018 who... DISADVANTAGE Student groups include different students DISADVANTAGE Assessments must be aligned vertically WHEN TO USE When vertical data is not available or difficult to collect Use with caution WHEN TO USE Student populations have low mobility Assessments are aligned vertically
9 BROAD vs SPECIFIC DATA BROAD DATASPECIFIC DATA General in natureSpecific in nature Give a broad picture of the school’s academic performance Give specific information about the degree to which students are learning specific content and skills Not helpful in making classroom level decisions Helpful in making classroom level decisions
10 BROAD: % of all ISTEP tests that are passing Which test? Answer: English Which grade? Answer: 4th grade Which students? Answer: Boys Which standard? Answer: Reading Comp SPECIFIC: % of 4 th grade boys who master the reading comprehension standard on ISTEP DRILLING DOWN From Broad to Specific
11 COMPLIMENTARY DATA FIELDS BROADSPECIFIC % of passing ISTEP English tests % of all students mastering the reading comprehension standard on ISTEP
Considerations Data Target Requirements InSAI PL221 Title I TAS Student Group not meeting Indiana Annual Target in a Specific Academic Area XXX Mastery of a specific academic standardX Primary level end-of-year reading goalXX Intermediate level end-of-year reading goalXX Targeted Title I StudentsX ISTEP or ECA MathXX ISTEP or ECA EnglishXX Graduation Rate (HS only)XX
13 InSAI Suggestions High School % ofSTUDENTSwhoBENCHMARK % ofGraduateswho Earn a 3 or better on at least one Advanced Placement test Middle School % ofSTUDENTSwhoBENCHMARK % of Middle school completers whoPass the Algebra I ECA Elementary School % ofSTUDENTSwhoBENCHMARK % of Elementary completers who Earn all A’s and B’s in Math, Science and English on the final report card.
14 The school district has asked us to incorporate these academic goals into our School Improvement Plan. % ofSTUDENTSwhoBENCHMARK % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho
15 Current School Improvement Plan % ofSTUDENTSwhoBENCHMARK % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho % ofwho
INDIVIDUAL DATA ANALYSIS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
17 Student Group # of students # meeting benchmark % meeting benchmark All Students % Female % Male % Black % White % Free/Reduced Lunch % Paid Lunch % Special Ed - IEP5480 % General Ed % PRACTICE: What stories are told? Student Group:Class of 2013 Benchmark: Earning a B (mastery grade) in 5th grade math for the second semester
18 Student Group # of students # meeting benchmark % meeting benchmark All Students % Female % Male % Black33824 % White % Free/Reduced Lunch35822 % Paid Lunch % Special Ed - IEP5120 % General Ed % PRACTICE: What stories are told? Student Group: Class of 2013 Benchmark: Passing 5th grade ISTEP Math
19 Activity INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY (60 minutes) Place sticky-notes on the Achievement Data Analysis Chart (doc 3.4) to reflect your responses: a.How does our current data compare to our vision data? b.What specific data fields concern you? c.What specific data fields please you? d.What evidence (if any) do you see of achievement gaps? DISTURBS Student Group: Benchmark: Current Data: Possible headings: PLEASES DISTURBS GAPS
SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
21 Activity SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 1.How did the current data compare to your vision data? 2.What pleased you about the data? 3.What disturbed you about the data? 4.What evidence did you see (if any) of achievement gaps? Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Students Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72% Student Group All Stents Benchmark Pass XYZ Test Current data: 72%
BUILDING CONSENSUS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
23 TASK 1 PERSONAL REFLECTION SPECIFIC DATA FIELDS TASK 1: Write your thoughts on the Data Field Personal Reflection sheet (document 3.5). Which specific data fields do you think the school should work to improve next year? HELP Document SHEET
24 TASK 2 SMALL GROUP CONSENSUS TASK 2: Reach consensus. What two specific data field(s) should our school work to improve next year?
25 TASK 3 LARGE GROUP SHARING Share your small group’s ideas with the large group
26 TASK 4 LARGE GROUP PRIORITIES - INSTAGRAPH Place “sticky dots” (or X’s) above the data fields that you would like to work to improve next year. Number of choices: _____.
NEXT STEPS American Student Achievement Institute ASAI
28 Next Steps Steering Team will... 1.Talk to the Full Faculty, Community Council and Student Body. 2.Suggest data targets that we all agree to reach by the end of next school year.
29 Achievement Data Target Summary Format optional baseline current target target target Vision TargetActualTargetActualTargetActualTargetActualTargetActualTargetActual Free/reduced lunch students passing ISTEP Math 100 n/a 47 Two Years Ago n/a 46 Last Year 51 This Year 56 Target 1 60 Target 2 64 Target 3 Vision
Vision-to-Action Selecting Data Targets Document 3.3 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI