1 1 Themes Geology & Mineral Resources INSPIRE Update J.J.Serrano, J. Laxton, and the TWG members
2 2 Themes Geology & Mineral Resources Planning: Data Specifications v2.0 delivered (20/06/2011) Comments by SDIC/LMOs until 21/10/2011 Testing by registered SDIC/LMOs until 21/10/2011 Comments resolution workshop early december New version of Data Specifications v3.0 expected April 2012
3 3 Theme Geology Definition in the INSPIRE Directive: Geology characterised according to composition and structure. Includes bedrock, aquifers and geomorphology.
4 4 Theme Geology Use cases: 10 use cases described Legislation: For the Hydrogeological part of the model: the WFD/GWD (Water Framework Directive / Groundwater Directive) Existing standards: GeoScienceML O&M (ISO/OGC)
5 5 Theme Geology GeoSciML GroundwaterML INSPIRE GE Data Model Geophysics Geomorphology Hydrogeology Geology: The INSPIRE model has two parts: The core defining objects, properties, … to be required by the law The extension with more objects and properties to fit use cases requirements
6 6 Theme Geology Geomorphology:
7 7 Theme Geology Borehole
8 8 Theme Geology Hydrogeology: Water system: Groundwater Bodies Groundwater Flow System Rock system: Hydrogeological units Aquifer System (aquifers, aquitards) Hydrogeological System: contains Groundwater Flow Systems is formed by Aquifer System Hydrogeological Objects: Natural (vanishing point, spring / seep) Man made (water well)
9 9 Theme Geology Issue: Aquifer systems are not Geologic Units
10 Theme Geology Geophysics (core model): Geoph. Surveys Location, extent, survey types (gravity, seismic,...), responsible parties Geoph. Measurements Field observation procedures (types: station, profile,3D measurement) Geoph. Models Results of a process or an interpretation: spatial distribution of physical properties (only Surface Grid Model in the core model)
11 Theme Geology Geophysics (extension): –More detailed description of Geoph. Procedures and Geoph. Results –Use of O&M, and Coverages of the GCM –Code lists are external Geoph. Surveys more information on Campaigns and Projects Geoph. Measurements relation to Sampling Features (ex: station to sample points) Geoph. Models other models than Surface Grid Model
12 Theme Geology
13 Theme Geology Clay Sand Peat, marl Till Claystone Sandstone Limestone, chalk Gypsum, anhydrite Coal Other sedimentary rock Granitic rock Gabbroic rock Other plutonic rock Basaltic rock Rhyolitic rock Other volcanic rock Porphyry Ultramafic igneous rock Other igneous rock Material formed by weathering Volcanic blocks, ash Gneiss Schist, slate Marble Other metamorphic rock Rocks in crush zones Tuffite Breccia The 27 terms for « rock type »
14 Theme Geology
15 Theme Mineral Resources Mineral resources Definition: Mineral resources including metal ores, industrial minerals, etc., where relevant including depth/height information on the extent of the resource.
16 Theme Mineral Resources Legislation: Mining Waste Directive and the Raw materials initiative Existing standards: EarthResourceML / GeoScienceML Mineral: International Mineralogical Association European project ProMine: Mining Waste Code lists / Vocabularies Portrayal rules Use cases: 4 use cases described
17 Theme Mineral Resources GeoSciML EarthResourceML INSPIRE MR Data Model Mining Wastes Mineral Resources: Exploration Activity Proposed changes made to EarthResourceML are described in a document
18 Theme Mineral Resources Mining waste
19 Theme Mineral Resources New property Enduse Potential added to Mineral Occurrence New data type : Mining Waste Measure New Code lists defined, other updated Several definitions updated Exploration activity
20 Theme Mineral Resources The Mine Name: to use the INSPIRE data type (Geographical Name)?
21 Theme Mineral Resources We thank you for your attention and your comments