Overview of Central Elementary Located in Eastern Kentucky Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School #1 in the state 4 out of the past 5 years Recognized as the top performing school in the Southeastern U.S. Awarded the Education Trust Dispelling the Myth Award in 2004
Central Elementary All teachers highly qualified Home of Milken Award Winner Annette Rouse Received the Prichard Committee Award for Academic Excellence 78% Free and Reduced Lunch Continuing to grow every year
Why The Continued Success? School is working as a team toward the same goal School-Wide focus on basic skills In depth data analysis High Expectations for ALL students, in ALL areas Strong support at the District Level Excellent, nurturing school culture Full Inclusion/Collaboration Open Classrooms
SCHEDULING Schedule is arranged to allow for extra class time in assessed areas. Created by a team of teachers Gives the opportunity for test taking skills and open response practice, beyond the regular class time Increases class time and practice for students Additional time is built into the schedule for assessed areas
Central Elementary Addressing Success ART All students- Primary/6th (1/wk) Intermediate (5 th 3/wk 4 th 2/wk) Physical Education All students- Primary and Intermediate (1/wk) Music All students- Primary and Intermediate (1/wk) Library All students - Primary and Intermediate (1/wk) Counseling All students- Primary and Intermediate (1/wk) Core Content Skills- 5 th /6 th All students- 5 th & 6th (3/wk) Core Content Skills-4 th All students- (3/wk) Core Content Skills-3 rd All students- (3/wk) Core Content Skills- Primary All students- (4/wk) Team Planning All Grade Levels (1/wk)
Scheduling Use of Title I Aides Bring down student/teacher ratio with 5 aides rather than another teacher Collaboration and Team Teaching Full collaboration with Special Education teacher Teachers working on common things and teaching together Team Planning At least once per week Includes Special Education teacher and Aides
Continued Math Success
Math Success What is Working for CES We use no special math programs. (Text is McGraw Hill) Focus on basic skills –Brigance school wide K-6 (Basic Math Facts.) –Primary follows KELP Checklist –Basic skills reviews (I do weekly) This keeps things fresh with the students and allows extra practice for struggling students!
Successful Open Response Writing for Math Internal Writing Portfolios School wide Scored by groups of teachers twice a year Each grade level required to have a math piece K-5 Writing about math begins and is scored at the earliest level.
Successful Open Response Writing for Math Teach students to “Show and Tell”- show their work and explain the steps taken Teach students how to lead into the explanation. “I know this because…” “I found my answer by..” “The steps I took to solve this problem are…”
High Expectations Expect Distinguished responses – All students are capable of distinguished work! Expect Distinguished responses – All students are capable of distinguished work! –Using Rubrics – Let students know what is expected of them. –Use of document camera to share O.R.’s and look for strengths and weaknesses together. –Posting General Scoring Guide – Discuss how it is used and the purpose is to guide their work.
Multiple Choice Success Assess with multiple choice questions, blended with Open Response to mirror state assessment Practice Test Taking Skills and Techniques (Core Day). Use KCCT Coach and Test Ready. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Make classroom assessments similar to those students will see at the end of the year!
Be Open To Change Blend old ideas with new – Be willing to change and try new things but keep what is working and blend new ideas and techniques with it. Math must be a balance of drill and practice, open response writing, hands on and fun activities, to keep students engaged and interested.
This is Differentiated Instruction Drill and Practice Modeling Hands On Activities Videos Games Group work and peer tutoring Formative and Summative Assessments All of these must be in place, in order to reach high levels of understanding with all students.
District Level Support Math Cadre comprised of all 5 th and 6 th grade math teachers in district. Meet 4-6 times per year to share ideas and discuss what is working for each of us. Math Leadership Support Network participation.
Use of Challenging Games to Keep Students Engaged Math Jeopardy Math Jeopardy Math Millionaire Math Millionaire Math Olympics Math Olympics Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader
To Sum Up School-wide teamwork towards success School-wide teamwork towards success School-wide writing in math School-wide writing in math Strong District Support Strong District Support Scheduling to allow for extra class time Scheduling to allow for extra class time Focus on Basic Skills Focus on Basic Skills Team Planning and Collaboration Team Planning and Collaboration The use of fun games and activities to keep students engaged The use of fun games and activities to keep students engaged Classroom assessments are similar to what students will see on testing. Classroom assessments are similar to what students will see on testing.
Anita Colvin and Katie Woody Central Elementary School 1715 Euclid Avenue Paintsville, KY 41240