High School Readiness Program Louisiana Department of Education STEM Goal Office
High School Readiness Program Overview Use online learning and assessment system In 8 th grade math classes Along with technology-appropriate pedagogy To improve student’s test scores By giving students more individual attention Getting students to “do” more math than they have ever done before Using tools that today’s students prefer
Professional Development Workshop to train teachers 1.Technology: MyMathLab by Pearson Education 2. Pedagogy: Redesigned course delivery 3. Content: Math homework Implement in Fall 2011 Follow with support throughout academic year High School Readiness Program The Plan
1. Technology: MyMathLab web-based learning and assessment system algorithmically-generated math exercises immediate grading of homework with constructive feedback for incorrect answers allows multiple attempts of Similar Exercise interactive Help Me Solve This static View an Example exercise and section videos easily adaptable to curriculum changes quizzes and tests built and customized personalized homework from quizzes and tests
MyMathLab Homework Exercise
MyMathLab View an Example
2. Pedagogy: Redesigned Course Delivery Teacher-centered whole-class instruction for 1/3 of face-to-face time in traditional classroom setting Student-centered individual instruction for 2/3 of face-to-face time in computer lab setting
Preparation for teacher-centered whole-class instruction Preparation for student-centered individual instruction
3. Content: Math Homework In order to be “certified” by the LDOE to participate in this program, teachers must complete all homework in MyMathLab that 8 th grade math students will be required to do for the year by the end of the workshop – with 100% accuracy.
Teachers Doing Homework
High School Readiness Program Origin Based on highly successful LSU College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Precalculus course redesign program Spin-off of the LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Program
LSU Students in the Pleasant Hall Math Lab
LSU College Algebra Fall Results Semester and Delivery Model(s) # of students enrolled ABC Rate Fall 2001 Traditional Sections311566% Fall 2002 Traditional Sections318864% Fall 2003 Traditional Sections321168% Fall 2004 Traditional & Large Sections with MML334771% Fall 2005 Trad, Large w/ MML, & R2R with MML #250654% Fall 2006 R2R Sections w/ MML ^172475% Fall 2007 R2R Sections w/ MML *173967% Fall 2008 R2R Sections w/ MML ~177268% Fall 2009 R2R Sections w/ MML155672% Fall 2010 R2R Sections w/ MML174471% Permanent Changes: # MACT >24 given credit, Katrina/Rita ^ No partial credit on any assessments * Course rigor increased ~ Gustav/Ike
LSU Trigonometry Fall Results Semester and Delivery Model(s) # of students enrolled ABC Rate Fall 2001 Traditional Sections127759% Fall 2002 Traditional Sections115056% Fall 2003 Traditional Sections101562% Fall 2004 XLarge Lecture w/ MapleTA ^89261% Fall 2005 XLarge Lecture w/ MML #135055% Fall 2006 XLarge Lecture w/ MML123463% Fall 2007 R2R Sections with MML116864% Fall 2008 R2R Sections with MML ~123166% Fall 2009 R2R Sections with MML120976% Fall 2010 R2R Sections with MML109579% Permanent Changes: ^ No partial credit on any assessments # Katrina/Rita ~ Gustav/Ike
LSU Precalculus Fall Results Semester and Delivery Model(s) # of students enrolled ABC Rate Fall 2001 Traditional Sections34271% Fall 2002 Traditional Sections44374% Fall 2003 Traditional Sections55676% Fall 2004 Traditional Sections59879% Fall 2005 Large Lecture32160% Fall 2006 R2R Sections with MML ^27764% Fall 2007 R2R Sections with MML28871% Fall 2008 R2R Sections with MML28762% Fall 2009 R2R Sections with MML31079% Fall 2010 R2R Sections with MML38477% Permanent Changes: ^ No partial credit on any assessments
McKinley High School students working in MyMathLab
College Readiness Workshop Participation CourseYr 1Yr 2Yr 3Yr 4Yr 5Total Adv Math Alg I Alg II AP Calc Geom 12 8th grade 22 7th grade 22 6th grade 11 TOTALS
8 th Grade Algebra I Post-Test Data Sherwood Magnet School Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Algebra I EOC Data Spring 2010 and Spring 2011
High School Readiness Program Workshops Region I 59 8 th grade math teachers from Region I representing 6 parishes 56 teachers completed the four-day workshop, and 54 teachers completed all of the student homework with 100% mastery and received certification 37 teachers piloting this in Spring 2011 with the remainder fully implementing the program in the academic year
High School Readiness Program Workshops Regions II and III 8 th grade math teachers Held in computer lab at LSU 9 AM to 4 PM Monday, June 6, and Thursday, June 9 Monday, June 27, and Thursday, June hours face-to-face and ~20 hours independent work No cost to districts or teachers for workshop $500 stipend to teachers completing the workshop
High School Readiness Program Partnership Success requires LDOE and district partnership!
High School Readiness Program LA Dept of Ed will... Provide training workshop for teachers in Summer 2011 (Phoebe Rouse, LSU Precalculus Mathematics and College Readiness Program Director) Provide follow-up support throughout the academic year
High School Readiness Program Districts and schools must... Provide administrative support to motivate teachers to attend workshop, do homework, and implement program Provide computers for students to use 2/3 of each week Purchase MyMathLab access codes for individual students by end of July ($35 per student per year) Supervise and follow-up with support throughout the academic year
Teachers must... Participate in full workshop Learn to use MyMathLab system Adopt redesigned delivery model Complete all 8 th grade homework by end of workshop with 100% accuracy Implement program in classroom following guidelines Make MyMathLab homework a substantial portion of the student’s final grade High School Readiness Program
High School Readiness Program Louisiana Department of Education STEM Goal Office