Current commitments related to Pillar II (Legal Framework) Unions at all levels could and should support by written documents and presence. CONCRETE ACTIONS PROPOSED (for the next 6 months) Prepare a set of Executive Reports with each of the selected commitments to send to employees & Employers’ Representatives Organize ad-hoc Meetings, at MS level, between Employees & Employers with presence of Commitment representatives to: Explain targets and possible ways to choose Propose concrete Central/Regional Administration Directorates to visit and concrete persons Propose concrete tasks to prepare and define which TIME/RESPONSIBLES would do Meet with these persons and explain commitment targets with their Eco&Social benefits Get Administration answers and views to apdapt commitments and improve success EES Committee has four roundtables on RM, first in Spain on the 3rd of March. Good opportunities to start expressing their commitment.
TITLE OF COMMITMENTACRONIMM.STATE Optimizing the Minerals Policy Framework at EU and National Levels by 2020 OPTIMIN_2020Austria Recycled Carbon Fibres Substitute for Natural Graphite & Industrial Applications CARBOCYCLECyprus Recycling Of Secondary raw materials for a sustainable optimization of construction processes in civil Engineering ROSEItaly Standardization of sustainable mining management systems Stand4MinesSpain SUstainable non‐energy Mineral extraction Activities in Natura 2000 protected sites SUMAN 2000Spain Permitting procedure in Spain PPSSpain Thermodynamic assessment of raw material use in Europe TAURUSSpain Sweden's Minerals Strategy SMiSSweden Current commitments related to Pillar II (Legal Framework)
TITLE OF COMMITMENTACRONIMM.STATE 3DS European Mineral Asset Definition and Valuation System EUROASSET United Kingdom BRAVO - Bauxite Residue and Aluminium Valorisation Operations BRAVOIreland Classification of secondary resources and slope stability key to making existing and future mining waste disposal sites safe and productive SAFE & PRODUCTIVE MINING WASTE FACILITIES Poland Environmentally Responsible Deep-sea Mining ERDEM United Kingdom EU Responsible mining demonstrations: best practice and capacity building REMINDFrance Euromines Network for implementation and exchange on Non-Technological Raw- Materials Innovation in the EU ENTRIEBelgium Covenant Circular Economy 2022 Covenant2022Belgium European Enhanced Landfill Mining Consortium EURELCOBelgium Innovative Mining of Marine Mineral Resources – A European Pilot Mining Test in the Atlantic on Tools, Facilities, Operations and Concepts Blue AtlantisGermany Current commitments related to Pillar II (Legal Framework)