MANUFACTURING 5.5 The Designed World / Manufacturing Technologies E6. Identify key aspects of manufacturing systems that use mechanical processes to change the form of natural materials (e.g., separating, forming, combining, and conditioning) E6. Examine the processes involved in extracting (e.g., harvesting, drilling, mining) raw materials from the earth for use in manufacturing processes E6. Analyze the steps involved in the manufacturing process (e.g., design, development, production, marketing and servicing of products and systems).
Manufacturing is: changing raw materials into useful products in a workshop or factory. Common Manufacturing materials: Wood, Metal, Composites, Plastics, Earth Materials Six manufacturing processes include Separating, Forming, Casting/Molding, Conditioning, Assembling, and Finishing.
Separating Removing excess material to produce a desired size, shape, or finish.
Forming Changing the size and shape of a material, but not the volume.
Casting Pouring or forcing a material in liquid form into a mold and allowing it to harden before removal.
Conditioning Changing the internal structure of industrial materials to give them desired properties so they can be better used.
Assembling Bringing parts together so that they stay together for a definite period of time.
Finishing Protecting or decorating a finished product.