Timmerman Public Hearing February 4, :00-4:00
What does it mean to be a Title 1 school? Title 1 is the name for a government program that gives additional federal money to qualifying schools. Timmerman qualifies as a Title 1 campus this year. All students at Timmerman are eligible to receive Title 1 assistance.
* Increase academic achievement * Requires that schools be held accountable (CIP) * Requires that parents are provided assistance in the understanding of how well their school and their children are performing Goals of Title 1
How are decisions made to spend Title 1 money The campus uses data results from the following resources to set the academic goals of the school year in the areas of Math, Science, Reading, and Writing: – STAAR Results – End of the Year reading and math assessments – Universal Screener Data
Four Index Scores Index 4: Post Secondary Readiness 1 Index 1: Student Achievement 2 Index 2: Student Progress 3 Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps 4
Index 1: Student Achievement Most like TAKS, measures performance, calculated for all subjects tested (Reading, Math, Writing (4), Science (5)). This year our performance standard was measured at level 2, phase 1 for the following groups: 7 races (ALL students, AA, AI, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, White and 2 or more races, and ELL, SPED, and EcoDis) Target for 13-14
Index 1: Student Achievement All Student Percentages Reading 87% Math 85% Writing 85% Science 85% Academic Distinctions Math and Reading
Student Achievement Continued… Grade LevelDIBELS Composite ScoreDRA (K-2) ISIP (3-5) Kinder * 87% at or above benchmark * 9% below benchmark * 4% well below benchmark 82% at benchmark level 1 st * 78% at or above benchmark * 8% below benchmark * 14% well below benchmark 78% at benchmark level 2 nd * 75% at or above benchmark * 16% below benchmark * 9% well below benchmark 79% at benchmark level 3 rd * 84% at or above benchmark * 4% below benchmark * 12% well below benchmark * 39% at or above benchmark * 24% below benchmark * 38% well below benchmark 4 th * 72% at or above benchmark * 13% below benchmark * 14% well below benchmark * 44% at or above benchmark * 28% below benchmark * 27% well below benchmark 5 th * 76% at or above benchmark * 16% below benchmark * 8% well below benchmark * 45% at or above benchmark * 30% below benchmark * 24% well-below Universal Screener Reading Data
Student Achievement Continued… Grade LevelTEMI O Percent Meeting Satisfactory Kinder 92% 1 st 99% 2 nd 89% Math Universal Screener Data
Index 1: Student Achievement Calculations Provides an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across ALL subjects for ALL students Target for Met standard
2 Index 2: Student Progress 33 Target for Measures progress (how much value did we add to each student), earn one point for each student who made one year’s progress and 2 points for each student who exceeded one year’s worth of progress in reading and math, groups: 7 races, All students, ELL, and SPED, rank ordered with like schools
Index 2: Student Progress Calculations % of students who MET progress or EXCEEDED progress Tests included: – STAAR and STAAR Spanish – Reading – Math – Student groups: 10 – All students – 7 race/ethnicity (minimum size 25): African American, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, White, 2 or more races – 2 program groups (minimum size 25): SpEd and ELL
2 Index 2: Student Progress Target for Met standard
3 Index 3 Closing Performance Gaps Emphasizes the advanced academic performance of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups. 28 Target for 13-14
Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps % passing (Phase-in 1 Level II and above) in performance GAP groups: Eco Dis and 2 lowest performing race/ethnicity groups from 2013 STAAR. – Across all subjects – Minimum group size Eco Dis = 0, others = 25 – Groups different for every campus – (New for , one additional point added for each percent of tests at Level III.) Tests included: – STAAR, STAAR Sp, STAAR M, STAAR Alt – Reading, Math, Science, Writing
3 Index 3 Closing Performance Gaps Emphasizes the advanced academic performance of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups. 28 Target for Met standard
4 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Target for 46 Postsecondary Readiness, measures progress, % of students who met level 2 final on two or more subjects tested, groups all students, 7 races, and SPED
System Safeguards: Math, Reading, Writing, and Science must score at least 55% (state), math and reading 79% (Federal), participation rate 95%, and failure to meet a safeguard target for any reported group must be addressed in the CIP
Questions??? Thank you for attending our Public Hearing!!!!