Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium BSS PTO Presentation March 12, 2015
Design of Test 5 Days of Testing 3 Days for ELA 1 day for Computer Adaptive Test (estimated to take 1hr and 30 minutes) 2 days for Performance Task (estimated to take 2 hrs and 30 minutes) 2 Days for Math 1 day for Computer Adaptive Test (estimated to take 1hr and 30 minutes) 1 days for Performance Task (estimated to take 1hr and 30 minutes)
Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Most Like DCAS Multiple Choice Hot text/select text Matching tables Constructed Response Test adapts based on student performance during the test session.
Performance Task (PT) Classroom Activity *1-3 days prior to assessment task *All grades no more than 30 minutes Part 1: Student reads sources and responds to 3 questions Grades 3–8 – approximately 35 minutes Part 2: Student plans, writes, revises, and edits his or her long response Grades 3–8 – approximately minutes depending on subject 4
Classroom Activity Introduces context & vocabulary Activates prior knowledge Stimulates interest Stimulates interaction 5
Performance Task Sources Grade Span Number of Sources (reading load) Maximum Total Word Counts (reading load) – –83– –
Students are Prepared SBAC is aligned to Common Core Standards. All curriculums taught in Red Clay are aligned to Common Core. All students have taken or will take the interim test. Includes the CAT practice test and a PT. Teachers have worked to prepare students for the new performance task format of the test.
Grade Level Preparation 3 rd Grade Increased exposure to Performance Tasks Helping students to identify the prompt Have practiced a narrative and a persuasive task and will be working on an informative task next. 4 th Grade Completed the 3 rd grade practice task and allowed students to use peer grading with the rubrics to assess the work. In March they will complete the 4 th grade practice task. 5 th Grade Modeled the 4 th grade Performance Task with students. Used the rubric and showed examples at all levels of competency. Working on emphasizing adding more details. Will be working through a Math task next.
Grade Level Preparation 6 th Grade Using Enrichment time to work on Performance Task practice. 7 th Grade Has used district scheduled half days to run Performance Task test simulations in both math and ELA. Students used the SBAC writing rubrics to self and peer evaluate their responses. 8 th Grade Students are completing a Performance Task in each subject area.
Smarter Balanced Resources Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Practice Test Portal