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Presentation transcript:


PROJECT PARTNERS Soros International House, LT – coordinator P0 Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia, FI – P1 EuroEd Foundation, RO – P2 Technikum Smiltene, LV – P3 Alytus vocational training centre, LT – P4 DHE Solutions Ltd., UK – P5

AIM of the PROJECT to develop the tool to improve transparency of professional English language (as lingua franca) skills in the selected target sectors of Hospitality industry (receptionist, waiter, porter) to assure in the future relevant level of their foreign language competences and their evaluation to people employed or seeking employment in this area

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES to define the levels of skills developed using existing VET curricula in each project partner country to prepare the tool of descriptors of professional English language skills and competences on the basis of CEF and ECVET to implement international piloting at partner countries to consult social partners – potential employers and implement final improvement of the evaluation tool of transparency of professional English language competences as to LT, LV, FI and RO languages to produce and disseminate, providing valorization for the final product of the project - a CD with the set of descriptors to evaluate the professional EL competences and methodology how to use it

GENERAL OBJECTIVES to develop vocational skills through professional foreign language knowledge considering labour market at Hospitality industry needs to enhance young peoples possibilities for mobility within the EU labour market to induce intercultural learning and empathy in the Hospitality industry for international communication in different EU countries to integrate professional language learning in theory with the practical use in occupational sectors

Target groups Direct ( will participate in piloting stage) : VET institution trainees young people employed or seeking employment in the Hospitality industry Indirect ( will provide with the feedback information for improving the tool of descriptors) : VET institution trainers and EL teachers employers and representatives of employers organizations in Hospitality industry

What will be transferred? Import of innovation: the model and experience of the previous Leonardo da Vinci project Inter Act–Developing New Basic Skills at the Workplace through Internet-based Problem-solving Role- play, that was running from October 2004-April 2006, coordinated by VOX, Norway Export of innovations: SIH - the experience for the language-teaching across national borders around a specific problem (tailor made courses in different sectors, professional language evaluation), the bank of vocabulary and evaluation descriptors creation in 2002 PHARE project No L "Anti-Corruptive Measures in Security Service OMNIA - the experience of trainers integrating vocational aims and language teaching from LdV VETRO-08-FI-8055 project "Pro Voc Lingua - International vocational language learning"

Where will it take place ? At sectoral level: Inter Act model with content targeting the fields of Healthcare and Tourism, now the content of the model will target Hospitality industry PHARE project (SIH) for professional language evaluation methodology in Security sector will transfer its experience of evaluation model creation to the development of the tool of descriptors for professional language in Hospitality industry At geographical level: Inter Act model was delivered to groups from the UK, NO, ES and RO, with Tool-TIPLS the model will be at use in LT, LV, FI and RO (3 new countries)

Work packages (1) WP 1 Project management and administration Contracts (between SIH and the National Agency, between SIH and partner institutions, external evaluator and subcontracting institutions) Internal reporting system (content/reporting forms, reporting rules, schedule) Management system and work plans, communication and document sharing system among partners Project meetings agendas and minutes Package leader –Soros International House duration 10/ /2011 WP 2 Defining common existing elements PP presentation of each partner country system of VET PP presentation on curricula of VET partner institutions Summary of the systems of VET and curricula analysis Defined common transparent elements Package leader – Smiltene Tehnikums, Latvia duration 11/ /2010

Work packages (2) WP 3: Development of the initial tool of descriptors Initial tool of descriptors for evaluation of professional English language skills Translated user guide for the initial tool Package leader –EuroEd duration 10/ /2011 WP 4: International piloting - methodological transfer of the InterAct model of international on-line role-playing into the Tool-TIPLS model with direct involvement from all educational partners Package leader- Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia WP 5: Final improvement of the tool – analyze the feedback and results of the piloting, implement improvements of the Tool descriptors for professional English language Package leader-Soros International House

Work packages (3) WP 6: Dissemination, exploitation and valorization – web portal development and visibility, dissemination activities and materials, liaising with target groups and beneficiaries Package leader-Soros International House WP 7: Evaluation – monitoring, feedback, evaluation, both internal and external Package leader - DHE Solutions Ltd., UK