What is mindfulness? Focus- paying attention to one thing at a time This can be to focus on a chime, breathing, walking – or math The awareness that we can’t control what pops into our heads but allowing ourselves the freedom to let it go. “Yes, I am feeling anxious about the math test, so I will refocus on the steps that I know!”
Mindfulness in the classroom Deep breathing exercises – before tests or when needed Encouraging students to use deep breathing as a strategy for their own emotional regulation. – Maximo, AirSpace, Calming, the Catman
Mindfulness in Math Emotional Intelligence Moving from “I can’t do it” to “I can do it!” Being aware of emotions during math Knowing how emotions affect learning Assessment Anxiety Calming the “what if” in our head Handling anxiety before and during a test Knowing how anxiety affects our brains
How to take the fear out of math As teachers we wanted to be mindful in our modeling of the steps in math. Break problems down into steps Show that math is a series of steps Teach kinesthetic movements to accompany challenging math
Data : Surveys- initial Self reflections on mindful breathing Final survey
Margie’s Data ~ Math Surveys 1 st Final I find myself doing math without paying attention (often)19% none I watch my feelings without being carried away by them (often) 23%42% I find it difficult to stay focused on what is happening in the present moment 19% 33% (never)
Anne’s Data ~ Surveys Self reflections on mindful breathing1 st SurveyFinal Survey It helped52% 75% Didn’t help 29%17% More Nervous 5%0% Didn’t help/relaxing9%0% No Difference5%4% Didn’t do exercise0%4%
Anne’s Math Survey 1 st Final I find myself doing math without paying attention (often) 8%None I watch my feelings without being carried away by them (often) 30%34% I find it difficult to stay focused on what is happening in the present moment 21% 34% (never)
Quotes and Inspiration “That through mindfulness, students can learn to pay better attention in class, regulate their emotions, and develop stronger social fluency. Through mindful breathing, walking and compassion practices, kids can develop neural linkages that foster a healthy life.” (The Way of Mindful Education, pgs ) “greet everyone with direct attention and a sense of care” (The Way of Mindful Education, pg. 96)
Quotes and Inspiration Preliminary research is "beginning to show us the extent to which mindfulness offers students the key ingredients to living a healthy, happy, and successful life." (The Way of Mindful Education, pg.35) "Mindfulness cultivates attention, compassion, happiness, and relaxation and decreases impulsivity anxiety and other difficult emotional states." (The Way of Mindful Education, pg.)
Student Testimonials - Margie “Yes, and it helped a lot the last few math tests I got back I saw that I got better scores” “I participate because it calms me and it makes me feel confident that I will get a good grade” “I think you should do the mindfulness in math (next year) because it helps me stay focused and not all nervous on the score I’m going to get.”
Student Testimonials - Anne Before doing the breathing exercise, “I felt a bit hyped up and nervous. Afterwards, I felt calm and positive.” “Before, I felt that I couldn’t do the test, because I did not learn about fractions because I was sick. After, I felt more confident because I was relaxed.” “I felt freaked out before doing the breathing exercise. I felt fine after breathing and I got higher!” “Before we did the breathing exercise I was worrying and nervous. After we did the breathing exercise I felt relaxed and happy, not nervous. PS: THANK YOU!”
Reflections We became more… Mindful of the steps in math Aware of student anxiety levels in the room Aware of students who did not participate, therefore they did not have the tools to help them destress Mindful of my own anxiety when students didn’t understand concepts Aware of using mindfulness to help students with their own emotional intelligence Aware of using mindfulness in all content areas!
Implementation Introduce mindful breathing Practice before math assessments or when anxiety was high Work with students to determine the steps or procedures in math Remind students to use mindfulness when they feel the need –for example during the state tests.