Priority sectors for Green Growth – Overview Sustainable Construction Water Management Waste Recycling Sustainable Agriculture Renewable Energy What is the criteria for selecting priority sectors?
P RIORITY I SSUES : C ONSTRUCTION Replacing high embodied energy materials with low energy and natural materials Innovation in design, processes, materials, assembly, spatial systems Land management and related policy issues Skill set up gradation Incentives for green construction Integrated and people friendly planning
P RIORITY I SSUES : W ATER Social integration : pro-poor participatory policy and approaches, gender sensitivity, access issues, attitude Technical : systems design, appropriate technology, traditional knowledge, Institutions : Governance mechanism to manage water ( source and use), local level planning and implementation, emphasis on networks, water budgeting Financial : economic value of water, subsidies and impact on water usage Legal : Wat-san services as a right, ground water management, catchment management Environmental : sustainability benchmark (unaccountable water) and plan, demand side management
P RIORITY I SSUES : W ASTE Waste as a resource: Solid, land, water, industrial Role of stakeholders Sensitization and capacity building for administrators Community awareness, preparedness and involvement for attitudinal change Segregation, reuse and recycling Decentralized systems Livelihood options : reuse, recycle, upcycle, transform New and innovative technologies Streamlining processes, enforcing regulatory frameworks, adequate planning, social costing, incentives Public private community people partnerships CSR and Extended producer responsibility
P RIORITY I SSUES : A GRICULTURE Limited carrying capacity of the land Food security and livelihood security wrt population Lack of R&D for small and marginal farmers Diversification of livelihood Integrated energy, water and agriculture (food) sectors Information and awareness – systematic handholding ; extension services Inclusive policy framework Traditional knowledge coupled with science and technology
P RIORITY I SSUES : E NERGY Unsustainable energy policies North south global divide Economic divide in India : Access issues Renewable energy Energy efficiency Appropriate pricing and regulation - subsidies Twin track model- centralized and decentralized Demystification of RE Learning from others
K EY Q UESTIONS Role of technology and innovation in creating sustainable livelihoods? How to strengthen governance systems to take proactive decisions? What are the urban development models for India? How to bridge the gap between the resources and the ideas ? Mechanism for scaling up and multiplying small successes? The incentives & disincentives for scaling up? How can integrated cross sectoral approach be included into planning at a local level? How do you influence attitudes and get communities to imbibe sustainable lifestyles?