Stan Ferguson AIAA Applied Aero Technical Committee
Low Reynolds Number Workshop for MAVS Ming Chang and Michael OL Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) are: – Flight articles resembling natural flyers (birds, bats, insects) in size and functionality. – Interest since at least the 1990s, – Scientific and engineering progress has been episodic Advances more from trial-and-error than first-principles science Pacing items are aerosciences payloads/energy/materials. Objective: – To explore the state of the art and where we have been in both the sciences and applications – To identify who is pursuing what research and examine research directions and interest for academia, industry and government. – To draw connection between the sciences and the applications. – To determine business-case
Paradigm Shift Required Vulture, Span ~ 400 ft, V SL = 36fps Phantom Eye, Span ~ 150 ft Nano Hummingbird, Span ~ 0.54 ft, V SL = 22fps Factor of 1200 on Reynolds Number 3 gm Dragonfly with camera ~ 0.33 ft
Paradigm Shift Baby Zoey Dec 31, 2013 (Adapted by Petricca,, from Mueller)
Aero Characteristics vs. Reynolds Number (McMasters and Henderson, Boeing)
DARPA Definition MAVNAV Size (max dim.)<15.24 cm<15cm Weight (GTOW)100 g<20g Operational Range1 to 10 km Endurance (TOS)60 min Operational Altitude<150m Max Flight Speed 15 m/sec Mission Payload20g Maximum Cost$1500
Challenges / State of the Art 1979: McMasters and Henderson, NASA CP 2085 “ Low-speed Element Airfoil Systhesis” 2006: Pines and Bohorquez, “Challenges Facing Future Micro- Air-Vehicle Development” 2011: Petricca, Ohlchers, and Grinde, “Micro and Nano – Air Vehicles: State of the Art”
8 Current UAS Programs ScanEagle Integrator A160 Hummingbird Unmanned Little Bird S-100 However, No MAVs Copyright© 2011 Boeing Unpublished Work. All Rights Reserved--
Technologies Mission Planning Surveillance and reconnaissance Coastal patrol, terrain mapping & surveying, anti-piracy, and port security Networked system – Integrated command and control – Scan Eagle, Unmanned LB and AWS systems – iPhone app pilots a remote UAV Plug and Play Sensors - Integrator Autonomous systems - swarm technology –Integrator is completely autonomous Hydrogen propulsion system – Phantom Eye Laminar flow – 787 / Phantom Eye Shape memory materials – control system 787 /737 Conformal Solar Cell / Hydrogen fuel cell – Vulture FAR Qualified - S100, Scan Eagle is allow is operate in commercial airspace
Autonomous Collaborative Systems-- The Challenge John Vian, October 2013, CPStestbeds.ppt | 10 Remote control for simple tasks in simple environment Completes complex missions, adapts to changes,and maximizes value Plans and executes tasks to complete an operator specified mission Examples from today’s “simple” systems warn of challenges ahead... coupled Automating coupled systems without degrading safety, mission assurance, and security is very difficult. Autonomous cooperative systems can reduce operational costs and improve performance. However, development can difficult and risky. complexity Accommodating increasing system complexity is very difficult.
Automated tasking & sequencing Cooperative control algorithms Health-adaptive architectures Automated & adaptive mission management Automated asset assignment Multi-vehicle trajectory planning Automated de-confliction & collision avoidance Safety & emergency behaviors Automated fleet operations & sustainment actions Carefree human control and interaction V&V by design … Challenge 1: Hybrid Systems Health-adaptive Framework and Control Theory Core Autonomy Technology Applications technology reuse to reduce development time & cost NextGen Commercial Defense UAS Applications Civilian UAS Applications Factory Automated Assembly Health-Adaptive Autonomous Multi-vehicle Systems Common Technology Supports Many Multi-vehicle Autonomous System Applications Health-adaptive Architecture John Vian, October 2013, CPStestbeds.ppt | 11