Main Idea K. Marshall Arcadia Middle School July 2008
Directions For each of the following slides, you will choose the answer that states the Main Idea of the passage.
A. People need dogs. B. Dogs like people. C. Dogs make good pets
A. Hens and roosters lay eggs. B. All farmers have hens C. Ten hens lay eggs.
A. To tell how Jerry cares for Sandy. B. To show why Sandy is a good dog. C. To tell why dogs are good.
A. It is easy to make friends B. Brian has many friends and one best friend C. Brian does not have friends.
A. Mike has two tigers B. Mike works at the zoo C. Mike likes tigers very much.
A. Wayne learns how to be a sailor. B. Wayne goes sailing. C. John teaches Wayne how to swim.
A. The girls liked the circus B. The girls went to the circus many times. C. The girls visit the zoo.
A. Sandy’s grandmother is old. B. Sandy likes to ride on planes. C. Sandy would like to see her grandmother.
A. Ron lives next to the woods. B. The animals belong to Ron. C. Ron knows much about the animals in the woods.