Tiffany Whiteside Bethesda Christian Academy
Where did I come from? Source:
Who am I?
Teaching Style I prefer to ask more questions than I answer. I will challenge student responses even if they are correct. I do not like busy work.
Why I teach… To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson Source:
Rules Love and respect God Observe and listen to the teacher Value everyone and everything Every day give my best
Behavior Purple—This is for exceptional behavior Green—(Ready to learn.) Everyone starts here each day. Yellow—This is a warning for minor infractions. Blue—The student received multiple warnings and needed to be temporarily removed from an activity. Red—The student either chose to continue to commit infractions despite redirection. Student will receive a phone call and will be sent to the office.
Positive Consequences
Schedule de_schedule.xlsx
Morning Procedures
Spelling Words and affixes (suffixes and prefixes)will introduced on Monday and tested on Friday. Students will practice them throughout the week.
Bible Bible verses are grouped into 5 week chunks. Each week, students will build on to the verse until the fifth week. The purpose is help students learn a verse very well instead of only briefly remembering several verses. Students will receive their new verse on Monday and will be tested on Friday orally and have a quiz.
Social Studies
Grading Math 60% Test 20% Homework 20% Quiz Spelling 60% Test 40% Homework Bible 60% Test 40% Homework Social Studies 40% Test 30% Homework 30% Quiz Language 60% Test 20% Homework 20% Quiz Reading 60% Test 30 % Oral 10% Homework Science 40% Test 30% Homework 30% Quiz
Homework Homework is assigned Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and is due the next day. Missed homework is only excused for excused absences and should be completed within 3 days of returning.
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How You Can Help Room Parent Encourage reading
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