IOOS Data Management Activities for Ecosystem Observations Russ Beard, Ecosystem and Liaison Directorate, National Coastal Data Development Center 23 Aug, 2005 (228)
Prelude to EGT/EOP DMA Supporting IOOS * Draft Currently in Review 2005 Environmental Data Management Report Assessment Summary*
Highlights of Current EGT IOOS Activities – Environmental Research Division/SWFSC Data integration to support ecosystem based management Provide consistent, easy to use formats complying with recognized standards (IOOS) IOOS Fisheries Management, CRMP, Habitat, EOP, ERP, etc
Integration of Environmental/Biological Data for Ecosystem Observation and Management
Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) Data Management CoRIS is a mature example of a NOAA IOOS activity that fully incorporates metadata and data discovery, data transport, data archive and access, user outreach, system engineering, technology refreshment, and the biological data, i.e., the DMAC Appendices (2005)
EOP DM Support Across Mission Goals – Local Warnings and Forecast Program, National Data Buoy Center Voluntary Observing Ship Program DM System replaces Oracle DB WWW Browser Client Models PMO activities- more actively tracks ship visits, met equipment,& access controls facilitating multiple users (one to many ships) More accurate reporting Integrates ship observation metadata (formerly separate process) Integrates data feeds USCG and Lloyds of London Open source SW components Local Warnings and Forecast
Middleware Technology provides: - Data download capability from source provider to user’s desktop including data translation (format, units) - Provides access to a virtual database of coastal data sets - Data aggregation capability provides transform and transport of data in a single file Data Access Technology Additional Gateways EO-1 Hyperion Imagery LOSCO (La Oil Spill Coordinators Office) GoMOOS TOWAN (Tactical Oceanography Wide Area Network- Naval Research Lab) SEAMAP (SE Mapping Assessment Program) COMPS (Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System) Belle Baruch (USC)
NMSP West Coast Observation (WCO) Project Partners: PISCO, SIMoN, NODC, and NCDDC Automated process by which native ASCII data is converted to NetCDF (COARDS) profile. EML metadata records converted to FGDC and transferred to NODC and posted to multiple search locations. Data Access Webapp searches the available data on a OPeNDAP server. Create statistics, plots, and download data CRMP, Habitat, EOP, ERP, Corals, & Fisheries Management
OPeNDAP Data Sets Implemented by NODC
Interagency EOP DM Support – NESDIS MOA with Mississippi DMR Web and GIS design MODIS imagery S gradients correlated with turbidity (250M) Vibrio model forecast (T, S, turbidity) Solar radiation, cloud cover, T, S, precip, and obs for fecal coliform die- off rate ID and classify sediment fallout areas Vegetative health index Partners: NASA ESD, NRL, NOAA, EPA GOMP, and MS DMR Habitat, Fisheries Management, CRMP, Corals, EOP, & ERP
EOP NMFS Hypoxia Website 05 Season ArcIMS upgrade from FY04 Links to SEAMAP, NMFS, NCDDC, CoastWatch, & RV Oregon II, LUMCON MODIS 7 Day composite Extract ship flow-through data, e.g., turbidity, S, & Chl DO contour maps Habitat, ERP, EOP, CRMP, & Fisheries Management
NCOM surface current and elevation NCOM surface current speed and direction NCOM Surface temperature and current EOP DMA for Modeling – Global Navy Coastal Ocean Model (G-NCOM) Dissemination Under evaluation by modelers at UM. Provides boundary conditions for coastal models SE USA and Gulf of Alaska (UW, TAMU, UNC, & WH) Supports USCG Search and Rescue Ops (SAROP). Surface current fields are input to the Environmental Data Server (EDS) at USCG SAROPS Fisheries Management, Habitat, Corals, CRMP, ERP, and EOP
NESDIS EOP personnel assigned to IOOS Related Data Management Activities NESDIS IOOS IPA- Director of USM Hydrographic Research Center, Governance Board of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)- Regional Association DMIT Committee NOAA Enterprise GIS Working Group Co-Chair IOOS DMAC Expert Team for Metadata EPA National Water Quality Monitoring Network Report (US Ocean Action Plan) QARTOD NOAA DMAC Coordinator Ocean.US DMAC Specialist
EOP FY2008 PBA Best Program Alternative – Integrated Ecosystem Data Management “This proposal recommends that the GOM serve as a regional demonstration for a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) in which to implement and build off existing integration efforts.” FY08 EOP PBA Standard Metadata system needs Regional/National Data Archive System Technology Refreshment Data Information System Interoperability Information access & dissemination S&T IT architecture upgrade and maintenance
EOP IOOS Data Management Challenges Integrate and implement the IOOS DMAC Plan into a “NOAA Comprehensive Data Management Plan” (2005 Environmental Data Management Report- in draft review) Regional Associations (IOOS-RA) are still organizing - Loosely defined - Funding is inconsistent - Data management efforts are not focused on national level archival, access, and retrieval Few centralized IOOS data access points- still individual agency, laboratory, project, and/or investigators Expand interoperable access of data from client applications (OPenDAP) Coordinate data management activities within the 9 EOP “Observing Systems/Observations” in the GOM LME (regional approach)