Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville1 OPPE: the french good practice to promote entrepreneurial spirit Aïni Hananchi Responsable of Oppe
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 2 Summary Origins Missions Realisations Why it works
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 3 Origins OPPE Observatory of Pedagogical Practices in Entrepreneurship Creation: Appril 2001 Steering committee : ministries of research and high and secondery degree education, economy and finance, APCE, « Académie de lentrepreneuriat » ( universities & schools representatives ) Work with professors specialised in entrepreneurship as « experts »
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 4 Missions To promote the entrepreneurial spirit in education Mutualize practices and tools Inform and exchanges spaces Network
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 5 Realisations 1. Informations and exchanges, daily news letter, annual OPPE Conference in order to develop and initiate exchanges between professors, institutions and support structures for start-up (Networking with Free, Belgium and OFQJ, Quebec) Special tools seminary
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 6 Realisations 2. Inventory of all entrepreneurship actions/programms in France (550 programms) 316 in higher education 102 in secondary degree 35 « collective actions » 17 « Maison de lentrepreneuriat » 80 competitions On-line questionnairewww.entrepreneuriat.netwww.entrepreneuriat.net Control and validation by the « experts »
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 7 Realisations 3. Research and analysis 300 academic referencies on the web site Specific reports concerning actions by type of institution (8) Specific research on students entrepreneurial intention (4) Web site connections during 2010www.entrepreneuriat.net
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 8 Realisations 3. Pedagogical tools for professors and professionnels close to student public : Data base of tools for secondary and higher education. Different levels of tools: case studies, mini cases, entrepreneursstories, interviews, videos, games ….. Tools are producing by teachers, experts, OPPE, etc.. Mutualization space
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 9 Realisations 4. Entreprenership training for teachers OPPE organises last year, special training sessions centered about entrepreneurship pedagogies (learning by doing). it appears to be really close to public expectations Therefore, OPPE will develop teachers training session in the coming months
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 10 Why it works? Real willingness of the pioneers A real support of the government : many public policies for entrepreneurship education since 2003 Real awarness for professors and teachers about importance of entrepreneurship education (to develop skills, attituds.etc) Networking (national and international)
Enspire EU 25, th May 2011 Seville 11 Just to have a look … Future 10th annual OPPE Conference in Paris on november 2011 contact Aïni Hannachi