12 Common Myths about the NEH Metropolitan St. Louis Grants Conference, January 10, 2007 Co-sponsored by Washington University in St. Louis and Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Myth 1 “NEH is broke…I read that Congress cut most of their budget”
False. NEH budgets have remained the same or increased every years since 1995’s cut National Endowment for the Humanities $102M Division of Education $12,266,000 Division of Public Programs $12,381,000 Division of Research $12,692,000 Office of Challenge Grants $9,649,000 Match Division of Preservation $18,368,000 Federal/State Partnership $30,926,000 Special Initiatives $15,239,000
Myth 2 “Most NEH money goes to the elite school of the Northeast”
False. The top institutions are spread across the country. New York and California submit about 20% of all applications. They receive about 20% of the awards. The Mid-Atlantic states form the most successful region (26% of awards), followed by the Midwest (22% of awards), New England (16%), South (14%), West (12%), and Plains/Mountain (10%) Single institution: Ohio State & Michigan
Myth 3 “NEH funds only senior scholars ”
False. Junior and senior scholars are funded in proportion to their application numbers. 34% of the applicants are junior scholars (7 years of less since receiving their highest degree). 33% of awards went to junior scholars.
Myth 4 “It’s too early in my project to get funding”
False. NEH recognizes that funding needs will vary depending on the project. Individuals: fund at any stage…you have to make the case. Institutions: many grant programs have established sub-programs according to stage of project.
Myth 5 “NEH isn’t interested in the kind of scholarship I do”…this is usually followed by one of the following: “my work is too old fashioned,” or “my work is too cutting edge,” or “Democrats/Republicans hate my kind of work.”
False. NEH seeks to fund the best work regardless of its approach. It avoids trendy scholarship and scholarship that is obscurely written. Different stages of the review process tell us different things. Emerging disciplines and specialized fields seem to have more difficulties.
Myth 6 “NEH only funds projects that relate to America…proof is their We the People initiative”
False. A rising tide floats all boats. See our awards lists. Congress likes to know how new money will be spent and they like American topics. Do not change your project to fit the initiatives.
Myth 7 “The same panelist kills my application year after year”
False. Panelists are rotated. Best way to see the process in action is to sign up to be a panelist:
Myth 8 “If you don’t know someone on the inside at NEH, you’ll never get funded”
True & False. NEH staff members are paid to help all applicants identify grant opportunities and write better applications. Use NEH staff members to help you craft a better application. We –Read and comment on draft applications –Provide “why-not” letters –Offer advice –
Myth 9 “Grants.gov has made applying for a grant too cumbersome …it’s not worth the trouble”
Maybe…the key is preparation Register!!!! -Find out your AOR -Get comfortable with the Grants.gov system.
Myth 10 “I am more likely to get funded if I ask for very little” or “I am more likely to get what I need if I inflate my budget”
False. Don’t distort your budget! NEH struggles to balance the amount of the award with the work that needs to be done. Distorted budgets distract the panelists… instead of talking about your ideas, they talk about your budget.
Myth 11 “Applying for a grant is easy…I’ve done it a million times and know exactly what the guidelines say”
If you’re psychic, you should be able to find money elsewhere. Most common mistake is NOT reading the application guidelines. Programs change; requirements change. Don’t assume that the requirements are the same as the last time you applied.
Myth 12 “There is no money for local projects & initiatives”
False. NEH has great partnerships with state humanities councils Missouri Humanities Council 543 Hanley Industrial Court, Suite 201 St. Louis, MO Michael Bouman, Executive Director Illinois Humanities Council 203 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2020 Chicago, IL Kristin Valaitis, Executive Director
Russ Wyland Division of Research