Scheduling for GRADE 9 & 10
Scheduling Timeline February 12 th :Teacher recommendations – core courses Today-Feb. 27 th : Select courses online Feb. 24 th :Parent Information Night/Course Fair Feb. 25 th – April: Counselor/student conferences – review core courses and electives End of May: Final deadline to make any changes!
Diplomas & Graduation Requirements HB 5 Two Options: Foundation Plan Foundation with Endorsement Plan - all students will start here
Foundation Diploma Academic AreasCredits English4 Social Studies4 (3) Mathematics4 (3) Science3 Foreign Language/Computer Programming2 Physical Education1 Fine Art1 Speech (TCS requirement).5 Bible (Credits vary by years in attendance)4 Electives6.5 Total28
Foundation Program English Language Arts Four credits English I English II English III Advanced English Course Mathematics Four credits Algebra I Geometry Math M odels Algebra II Science Three credits Biology IPC or Advanced Lab Science Course Advanced Science Course Social Studies Four credits U.S. History U.S. Government (one-half credit) Economics (one-half credit) World Geography /World History I & II
Foundation with Endorsement Diploma Academic AreasCredits English4 Social Studies4 Mathematics4 Science4 Foreign Language2 Physical Education1 Fine Art1 Speech (TCS Requirement).5 Bible (Credits vary by years in attendance)4 Electives3.5 Total28
Two Endorsement Choices at TCS STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) MULTIDISCIPLINAY Each student must pick one, but you can change your choice.
STEM Includes courses directly related to: science, including environmental science technology, including computer science engineering advanced math
STEM A total of 5 credits in math by successfully completing Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2, and two additional math courses for which Alg. 2 is a pre-requisite OR A total of 5 credits in science by successfully completing biology, chemistry, physics and two additional science courses
MULTIDISCIPLINARY Allows a student to select courses from the curriculum of each endorsement area and earn credits in a variety of advanced courses from multiple content areas sufficient to complete the distinguished level of achievement Most TCS students will be in this category
MULTIDISCIPLINARY Must take Algebra II Four credits in each of the foundation subject areas to include English IV, and chemistry and/OR physics OR Four credits in advanced placement or dual credit selected from English, math, science, social studies, economics, languages or fine arts
Distinguished Level of Achievement A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: four credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II four credits in science the remaining curriculum requirements the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement
Performance Acknowledgement A student may earn a performance acknowledgment: for outstanding performance in a dual credit course (min. of 12 hours with a B or higher) in bilingualism and biliteracy on an AP test- score 3 or higher on a College Board AP exam on the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT without writing (score: 1250), or the ACT without writing (score: 28) for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license
Deciding Levels Teachers have submitted recommendations to help in guiding your decision Some of our courses have grade pre-requisites as you move up through high school. – To take AP/Dual Credit, you have to maintain at least a B average in a Pre AP course. If you are in Regular/Honors level, you have to have an A average for one semester to jump levels.
Final Course Requests May 29, 2015 is the deadline to change student course requests Student course requests will be considered final after this date!
Schedule Changes Next Year Elective Changes Level Changes
Schedule Changes - Electives Students who do not receive their first choice in electives may be permitted to make schedule changes Students who receive their first choice in electives can not be permitted to change their electives unless extenuating circumstances exist
Schedule Changes – Academic Levels Level changes will be considered on a case-by- case basis Many factors are considered: – Student input – Parent input – Counselor input – Overall course load – Teacher feedback – Availability of alternate courses – Post-secondary plans – Individual strengths & weaknesses
Final Considerations GPA = Grade Point Average How is it determined? Why is the 9 th grade year important? Be careful to not overload your schedule – Try to achieve a nice balance!!
Grade Point Average GradeRegularHonorsPre-AP/AP/DC A (90-100)44.55 B (80-89)33.54 C (75-79)22.53 D (70-74)11.52 F (0-69)0.51
GPA EXAMPLE GradePoints English 1 Pre-APB4 Biology 1 Pre-APC3 Algebra 1 Pre-APC3 Spanish 1A4 World 1A4 Point Total18 / 5 courses GPA3.6
GPA EXAMPLE GradePoints English I HB3.5 Biology I HA4.5 Algebra I HA4.5 Spanish IB3 World 1A4 Point Total19.5/5 = 3.9
PARENT WEB You can view what your child has registered for through Parent’s Web. Go to “Student Information” Click on “Course Requests” If changes are made, be sure to click “Continue” You can make changes online until Feb. 27 th.
ANY QUESTIONS?? You are now invited to the Great Room to visit with teachers about their courses. Thank you for coming.