Acquisition of Scientific Information, Strategic Issues Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Vision universal access to information universal access to information ºglobal, federated, asynchronous ºto be used in research and teaching researchers, teachers, students researchers, teachers, students
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen E-science asynchronous sharing of scientific information asynchronous sharing of scientific information ºintegral part scientific process ºintegration of information merged, manipulated, usedmerged, manipulated, used ºfor further intellectual scrutiny intellectual propertyintellectual property competitive landscape competitive landscape consequences in the value chain consequences in the value chain º(information) management
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Scientific process universal universal ºnobody excluded knowledge is common property knowledge is common property ºnot end product ºintermediary product scientific scrutiny, falsificationscientific scrutiny, falsification ºavailability: conditio sine qua non ºselection: required scientific information scientific information ºcreate value in the scientific process
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Competition between scientists claiming priority of an original discovery claiming priority of an original discovery achieving competitive advantage achieving competitive advantage ºrecognition, honorific rewards ºfunds ºcontribution to science ºcareer
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Acquisition of Scientific Information key to competitive advantage key to competitive advantage ºvisibility of individual author ºneed for reader e-publishing e-publishing ºnew balance availability selection consequences for value chain consequences for value chain ºbusiness models for scientific information
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Business models create value in scientific process create value in scientific process create commercial value create commercial value ºoutsourcing value creation scientific processvalue creation scientific process sustainable sustainable
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Business models organisation of property organisation of property ºall stakeholders basic constituents basic constituents ºvalue proposition ºmarket segment ºstrategic position ºvalue chain ºcompetitive strategy ºcost structure
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Peer review the core value proposition the core value proposition ºcore to property ºcore to any business model e-publishing ºservice to author: availability ºadded value reader: selection
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Market developments publisher publisher ºscientific community ºuniversity ºcommercial or professional society
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen University strategy repositories repositories ºintegration of information into primary processes ºmoral rights e-PR e-PR strategic position value chain strategic position value chain ºinternal structure cash flows & costs structurecash flows & costs structure
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Scientific information system archiving awareness certification registration
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Registration & archiving R & HE institutions R & HE institutions ºintegration of information services e-sciencee-science publishing and library functions publishing and library functions network of institutions network of institutions ºnetwork of repositories ºinstitution-independent entities ºinternational organisation
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Library initiating process of integration initiating process of integration ºintegrated/integrating role not as institution, but as infrastructure not as institution, but as infrastructure ºreporting to top-management ºwithin overall information management
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Publisher strategy facilitating/aggregating facilitating/aggregating ºproduction and distribution access and linking °branding of certified material °from different repositories °assistance to certification international dimension international dimension
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Business models subscription model subscription model ºscientific community invests ºscientific process external: consumer modelexternal: consumer model ºweakness little incentive broad availabilitylittle incentive broad availability open access model open access model ºscientific community invests ºscientific process internal: acquisition costsinternal: acquisition costs ºweakness little incentive efficient selection instruments for readerlittle incentive efficient selection instruments for reader
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Future? separate availability + peer review availability + peer review ºbasic service, no frills from added value services added value services ºoptional and extra charge
Hans E. Roosendaal & Kasia Kurek, Copenhagen Conclusions e-science e-science ºintegration of information structure science structure science ºbusiness model should be commensurate competitive landscape competitive landscape ºacquisition of scientific information ºproperty is crucial consequences in the value chain consequences in the value chain ºavailability selection ºchanging roles players