College University Business College Community College Junior College Art Schools Trade Schools
What should you gain from your College experience? Educational training in specialized fields of study or trade Heightened intellectual exposure and curiosity First-hand or hands-on experiences Social diversity and enrichment Knowledge and mastery of fields or trades Degrees, licenses, certifications
Social Preparation
Every thing that you do in high school will remain in your school record. You must internalize and believe the fact that education is vital to the quality of your future. Cease and desist all nay-sayers and can’t- doers from your life mentally and emotionally. American Idol Susan Boyle
Make Good Choices! Family – Friends – Associations “Two Kinds of Newsworthy Students” Choose to be responsible for your own education! Follow and Adhere to the Rules “Be in the right place, with the right people, doing the right thing, at the right time!” Get involved in clubs, organizations, activities, and athletics. “Show yourself friendly to make friends.” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Academic Preparation
Pre-School – Elementary School – Middle School – and High School READ! READ! READ! Then READ some more! Keep abreast of current events locally, nationally, and globally! NEVER SETTLE for MEDIOCRITY! “If better is possible, then good is not enough!” Participate in Enrichment Activities! UNCW-CFCC-Miller Motte-The Atlantic Ocean-Museums-Fort Fisher-Battle Ship “All within our reach!” Take Honors and Advanced Level Courses!
CORES! English – Math – Social Studies - Science English - I,II, III,IV, AP Language & composition, AP Literature & Composition Math – Algebra, Geometry (H), Algebra II (H), Advance Functions Modeling, Discrete (H), Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, AP Statistics Science – Earth & Environmental, Biology I (H), Physical, Chemistry (H), H Biology II,AP Biology, Physics (H), AP Environmental, AP Chemistry, Social Studies – World History (H), Civics & Economics (H), US History (H), Psychology, AP World, AP Government & Politics, AP US History, AP European History EOC – English I, Algebra I, Biology I --- CTE --- Online Courses SAT – ACT – ASVAB -
You Create Your Own Future !!!! Education is the Key to Success! It’s OK to be selfish about your education and your future! Don’t be afraid to try new things! Never run from challenges!
Remember!! Success is a Journey…… not a Destination!!!!!