The Path to Awesome
Students take college courses while still in HS Courses count twice…both for HS graduation requirements AND for college credit Students may transfer the CSCC credits to other colleges when they continue their higher education after HS graduation. Exhibit A
Early College on YOUR HS Campus – classes during the regular school day Online (anywhere, anytime!) – Can engage during school day in HS computer lab – Can engage at home On-ground ChattState campuses – Early Release/Late Arrival – Evening classes – All ChattState courses open to Early College students All classes taught by Chattanooga State Instructors Instructional Options
1.Any public, private, or home-school HS Student 2.Parental permission 3.HS administration/guidance permission 4.ACT/PLAN score 5.No GPA requirement 6.Complete Registration Packet w/ Counselor Admissions
For most Humanities and Social/Behavioral Science courses: ACT/PLAN English score of 18 and Reading score of 19 For most Math & Engineering courses: ACT/PLAN Math and Reading score of 19 (21 for MATH1720, 25 for MATH1910) For most Science courses: ACT/PLAN Reading and Math scores of 19 and English 18 College Readiness
Students can take the residual ACT on CSCC main campus if no national test scores available (cost is $45.00) Students whose ACT scores are not college-level may take the Compass/Asset placement test (one time per term) ACT/PLAN scores must be on file prior to administration of Compass test Testing
You can take it with you…. Exhibit B Public universities/colleges Private universities/colleges In State Out of State Out of Country! – Check out how courses transfer within Tennessee: – Credit Transfer
Colleges and universities have different admission requirements. AP acceptance varies from school to school ACT scores used to determine college readiness vary from school to school. ACT scores expire but college credits do not Having college level math and English on a transcript will automatically guarantee that a student receives college level placement at any institution at any time. These credits never expire. It doesn’t matter how many EC credits students have, they are still eligible for ALL first time freshman grants and scholarships. Early College Advising Tips-Exhibit C
Possibilities for Everyone US History I/II Intro to Sociology Cultural Anthropology Introduction to American Government World Politics General Psychology Intro to Criminal Justice Foundations of Education Walking for Fitness Concepts of Wellness Strength and Conditioning Aerobics Introduction to Pilates Introduction to Yoga Principles of Economics (Macro & Micro) Computer Literacy Internet Foundations Introduction to Women's Studies Computers in Engineering Construction Estimating Introduction to Engineering Design CAD Engineering Drawing I/II Contemporary Mathematics Introduction to Statistics Pre-Calculus I/II Calculus with Analytic Geometry I /II/III Linear Algebra Differential Equations General Biology I/II Nutrition Human Anatomy & Physiology I/II Composition I/II Western World Literature I/II American Literature I/II Fundamentals of Public Speaking Introduction to Humanities Mythology Leadership Development Spanish I-IV French I-IV German I-IV Formal Logic Introduction to Philosophy Critical Thinking Ethics Philosophy of Religion Music Appreciation History of Rock and Roll Introduction to Theatre Acting Art History Life Drawing 3-Dimensional Design Beginning Photography Painting and Composition Photography and Darkroom Digital Photography Marketing International Business Ceramics Modern Dance World Civilizations I/II Western Civilization I/ii Microbiology Introduction to Chemistry I/II General Chemistry I /II Organic Chemistry I /II Non-Calculus Based Physics I/II Calculus-Based Physics I/II Astronomy Environmental Science Integrated Earth and Space Science Medical Terminology Introduction to Health Professions Visual Basic Internet Foundations Principles of Website Design Web Graphics Java Programming Fundamentals of Unix C++ Programming Language Database Software Applications Computer Networks LAN Management Systems Analysis and Design Operating Systems Computer Applications in Management Network Client Operating Systems Public Relations Professional Ethics: Business and Commerce Business Today Leadership Skills Principles of Management
How many students are hoping to get scholarships to pay for college? Guess what! There is a scholarship available NOW to help pay for Early College –Dual Enrollment Grant (DEG)! Don’t wait to start college to use the resources, use what is available now!!! Paying for Early College
Dual Enrollment Grant for Class of 2016 $ per term for 1 class for 2 or more $1, maximum per academic year Application Deadline is June 15 to have credit for Fall ‘15 Semester Non-repayable 10-minute online application No FAFSA required Senior standing TN Resident for 1 year After first term in the grant program, 2.75 college GPA required to continue Benefits for the Class of 2016 Eligibility
Dual Enrollment for Class of 2017 $500 for Class #1 $500 for Class #2 $200 for Class #3 $1200 maximum per academic year Non-repayable 10 minute on-line application No FAFSA required Must be a junior during the academic year TN Resident for 1 year After 1 st term in grant program, 2.75 college gpa required
Dual Enrollment Grant Impact on HOPE Scholarship Initial $1200 is completely free and clear. Does NOT impact HOPE After initial $1200, DEG funds are charged against the HOPE scholarship dollar for dollar. If you use an additional $300 you will have $150 less each semester your first year of college. Students attending a 2 year college receive $1500 per semester of HOPE. Students attending a 4 year college receive $1750 per semester of HOPE. HOPE will only pay up to 120 hours. Any hours you complete early are done!
Dual Enrollment Grant Impact on HOPE Scholarship Example A: Student uses a total of $2400 dollars of Dual Enrollment Grant. $1200 will be charged against HOPE during freshman year. He attends a four year school. His Freshman year, he will have receive $1150 of HOPE money for Fall and $1150 for Spring. Example B: Student uses a total of $1800 dollars of Dual Enrollment Grant. $600 will be charged against HOPE during freshman year. He attends a two year school. His Freshman year, he will receive $1200 of HOPE money for Fall and $1200 for Spring. 4 Year School2 Year School
Even though Dual Enrollment Grant may dip into HOPE scholarship the cost per credit hour is less at Chattanooga State so the student is still getting more for the money: Remember, students will also be able to get other scholarships (like Pell Grant) once they start as a freshmen. The Dual Enrollment grant is only available to high school students. Also, while we hope students never lose their eligibility to receive HOPE... Remember, stuff happens. Cost/Benefit Analysis Early College Chattanooga StateCosts First time Freshman UTC Costs 12 hours$ hours$ DE Grant $-$ HOPE Scholarship-$ Cost for 12 hours$726.50Cost for 12 hours$
Early College v. State University ChattState Early College Tuition $ DE Grant $( ) *12 hours $ University of Tennessee, Knoxville Tuition $ Room/Board $4, First Term $ Savings = $ *based on 4 courses taken during HS
Register* for ENGL1010 (3 credit hours) Find 3 hours on fee schedule $ (estimated) Apply online for basic grant*-$ Fees due (about mid-July) $ First Payment Due $ Second Payment $50.25 Third Payment $50.25 All college students must purchase required textbooks *Both must be done by June 1 to get upfront grant funds) Paying for Early College (example #1)
Register* for ENGL1010 and MATH1530 (6 credit hours) Find 6 hours on fee schedule $ (estimated) Apply online for basic grant*-$ Sign registration for to received enhanced grant funds-$ Fees due (about mid-July) $ (Or three payments of $221/$98/$98) Purchase math access code $65.00 All college students must purchase required textbooks and/or online *Both must be done by June 15 to get DEG as a credit towards Fall fees Paying for Early College (example #2)
Why now? Funding Strategy
"I participated in Early College through Red Bank High School where I received 30 credits. I then entered Richmond, the American International University in London as a Sophomore. It saved me $26,000 in tuition and board and means that I had a BA at the age of 20 from a school in the United Kingdom. Taking classes through Chattanooga State was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. Many, many thanks," - Jennifer Line What students are saying about Early College at Chattanooga State:
They are excellent students and it was a pleasure having them in my class. _______ made among the highest grades I have ever given in this course and deserved it. Great student! Keep sending us these! I don’t ever want to teach anyone but Early College Students! What Professors Are Saying about EC students
Any Questions? Remember, Early College is Awesome!
Contact: T O L EARN M ORE,