Our First Year in the DTC
The Economics pathway is represented in all three of our universities. Complement each other in terms of covering a wide range of areas in the discipline ◦ Sheffield – applied, mostly microeconometrics ◦ York – theoretical – strong on macroeconomics ◦ Leeds – policy evaluation e.g. transport and health.
Initial meeting between PhD directors in each department. First annual Economics PhD conference. Visiting lecturer master classes. Support for students to access external training provision.
To be held annually, rotated between the three departments. This year, held at Leeds in March All day event. First year students asked to present posters, while second and third years presented papers in parallel sessions. Academic staff from all three departments in attendance, some acting as discussants.
Students organised much of the conference themselves, through a small committee. Organised like a full academic conference Good experience of presenting Use of discussants A ‘good day out’
Estefania Mourelle (visiting Sheffield), ‘Linearity vs. Asymmetry in Economic Time Series’, 14 December 2011 Andrew Clark and Conchita D’Ambrosio (visiting Sheffield), Labour Economics, 27, 30 & 31 January 2012 Herakles Polemarchakis (visiting York), Economic Policy in Market Economies, 28 & 29 February
Designed for graduate students Intensive training in particular areas Open to students in all 3 departments Give students access to new academics with whom to discuss their work
Increasingly, PhD students are wanting access to training in very specialised topics. Provide information and support to attend suitable training courses at outside institutions.
Repeat activities from first year. Develop online presence for cluster: ◦ Online publication of chapters/discussion papers ◦ Discussion boards ◦ Notices We have talked about the possibility of ‘exchanges’ of academic staff between the 3 departments.