©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 1 Slide 1 Message Analysis Table
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 2 Slide 2 Analysis Model -> Design Model What we Have: At this point in development we have the following: 1) a CLASS DIAGRAM that contains DOMAIN classes with attributes and some methods. 2) Interface Definitions and Navigation Matrix 3) Database Table Definitions 4) Use Cases Identified and Use Case Descriptions
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 3 Slide 3 Design Classes l We HAVE l Analysis classes (domain classes) are those classes identified during the analysis phase of the SDLC. They are the classes recognized by the customers as residing in their domain. l l We NEED l Design classes are needed to implement this system in the world of computing. These classes include various types of classes. l Implementation classes are also needed to implement the system in a particular language.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 4 Slide 4 Design Classes l Design classes include: Use Case Controller Classes User Interface Classes Database Table Classes Classes for Patterns Classes for Frameworks (not covered in this class) Others If we identify the classes that we will actually code. The message analysis table, sequence diagram and extended class diagram will help us do this.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 5 Slide 5 Message Analysis Table l To begin the identification and description of these classes, we construct a message analysis table. l A message analysis table is completed for EACH use case. For our class only one per students will be turned in for a grade. l l The message analysis table is used to drive out the needed design classes, their attributes, their methods, and the messages needed to communicate between the design classes.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 6 Slide 6 Message Analysis Table l This lecture defines the steps for creating the message analysis table. l It shows examples of how the diagram is created and what you will derive out of the activity that will help you to code your software correctly.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 7 Slide 7 Message Analysis Table l Step 1 Identify the use case in question l To begin a message analysis table, we need identify which use case we are addressing. Use Case Name Use Case ID Initiating Actor
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 8 Slide 8 Message Analysis Table l Step 1 Identify the use case in question l VRS Register as Member Use Case Name Register As Member Use Case ID3 Initiating Actor Customer
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 9 Slide 9 Message Analysis Table l Step 2 Identify the use case controller class l The first design class will be the use case controller class. Each use case usually has a controller class to allow it to be called from another class. The standard is naming it CtrUseCaseName. Candidate Objects/Classes Use Case Controller
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 10 Slide 10 Message Analysis Table l Step 2 Identify the use case controller class VRS Register as Member Candidate Objects/Classes Use Case Controller CtrRegisterAsMember
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 11 Slide 11 Message Analysis Table l Step 3 Identify the Domain Classes l Domain The first classes we want to consider are those domain classes on the class diagram.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 12 Slide 12 Message Analysis Table l Step 3 Identify the Domain Classes l Domain Member VRS Register As Member Domain Classes
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 13 Slide 13 Message Analysis Table l Step 4 Identify the Database Classes l Database Classes The second group of classes we wish to have are those classes needed to contain the code to create, reference,and update the data on the database. Each table will have a database class.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 14 Slide 14 Message Analysis Table l Step 4 Identify the Database Classes l Database Classes TblMember VRS Register as Member Database Classes
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 15 Slide 15 Message Analysis Table l Step 5 Identify the Screen and Report Classes l Each individual screen or report will have a class. The navigation diagram for the use case should contain those screens and reports. Display Screens or Report
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 16 Slide 16 Message Analysis Table l Step 5 Identify the Screen and Report Classes l VRS Register as Member – Screens and Reports Display Screens or Report MemberApplicationScreen NewUserNamePasswordScreen ConfirmationScreen
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 17 Slide 17 Message Analysis Table l Step 6 Identify any other use cases l Identify any other use cases that are called or used from this use case. For the VRS Register as Member, there are none. Other Use Cases
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 18 Slide 18 Message Analysis Table l Step 7 Identify any other use cases l Begin developing the messages. First look at each step in the use case description. For each step, determine in more detail what is actually going to happen. Then determine which of the classes will perform that task and thus receive the message to complete the tasks.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 19 Slide 19 Message Analysis Table l Step 1.Customer enters name, address, phone number, address, credit card number, and expiration date of credit card. Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 20 Slide 20 Message Analysis Table l Step 1.Customer enters name, address, phone number, address, credit card number, and expiration date of credit card. Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen The screens will accept information entered from the user.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 21 Slide 21 Message Analysis Table l Step 2. System Validates Member Information Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember The domain classes will validate its attribute data.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 22 Slide 22 Message Analysis Table l Step 3. Customer enters new user name and password information Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember 3acceptUserNamePasswordNewUserNamePasswordScreen Again the screen accepts information from the user.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 23 Slide 23 Message Analysis Table l Step 4. System Validates User Name and Password Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember 3acceptUserNamePasswordNewUserNamePasswordScreen 4validateUserNamePasswordMember, TblMember The domain classes will validate its attribute data. And the database will assure it is not a duplicate user name.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 24 Slide 24 Message Analysis Table l Step 5. Customer confirms membership information. Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember 3acceptUserNamePasswordNewUserNamePasswordScreen 4validateUserNamePasswordMember 5acceptConfirmationConfirmationScreen The screen accepts information from the user.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 25 Slide 25 Message Analysis Table l Step 5. Customer confirms membership information. Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember 3acceptUserNamePasswordNewUserNamePasswordScreen 4validateUserNamePasswordMember 5acceptConfirmationConfirmationScreen 5updateMembershipInformationTblMember The database table class creates a new entry.
©Ian Sommerville 2004Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 4 Slide 26 Slide 26 Message Analysis Table l Step 6. System s membership confirmation to member. Step #Message NameOwner Class Name 1acceptMemberInformationMembershipApplicationScreen 2validateMembershipInformationMember 3acceptUserNamePasswordNewUserNamePasswordScreen 4validateUserNamePasswordMember 5acceptConfirmationConfirmationScreen 6 MembershipConfirmationMember The domain class has the address so a message is sent to the member and it sends the .