Ozaukee High School Staffing
Northern Ozaukee School District Enrollment: Sept ▫Brick & Mortar: 845 ▫Virtual School: 732 Currently: 692 Budgeted for All schools in a single K-12 facility Virtual school ▫K-8: ▫9-12:
Comparisons Odden & Picus (2008) ▫Ideal high school enrollment: Ozaukee High School (OHS) Enrollment ▫248 ▫50% of “ideal size”
Staffing Comparison Ozaukee High SchoolOdden & Picus (2008) Core: 9.5 FTE ▫English: 2.5 ▫Math: 2.0 ▫Science: 3.0 ▫Social Studies: 2.0 Specialists: 8.35 FTE ▫World Language (Spanish): 1.35 Extra 0.32 at OMS ▫Art, Music, Phy Ed: 2.7 Extra 1.3 at OMS or WVL ▫Business & Tech Ed: 2.75 Extra 0.25 at OMS Instructional Coach: 0.0 FTE Teacher Tutors: 0.0 FTE Total: Core: 10.0 FTE Specialists: 3.34 FTE Instructional Coach: 1.25 FTE Teacher Tutors: 0.34 FTE ▫Based on 13.3% FRL (34) Total: 14.93
Staffing Comparison – 2 OHSOdden & Picus (2008) ELL: 0.1 FTE (4K-12) ▫Extra 0.9 at WVL Special Ed: 2.0 FTE Counselor: 1.0 FTE Pupil Support: FTE (4K- 12) ▫Health: 0.36 ▫Psych. Services: 1.8 Shared with WVL & OMS ▫Physical Therapist: ▫Speech & Language: 2.0 ELL: 0.01 FTE ▫Based on 0.04% ELL (1) Special Ed.: 1.65 FTE Counselor: 1.0 FTE Pupil Support: 0.34 FTE ▫Based on 13.3% FRL (34) District (4K-12) ▫ELL: 0.11 FTE Based on 0.7% ELL (11) ▫Pupil Support: 3.0 FTE Based on 18.3% FRL (300)
Staffing Comparison - 3 OHSOdden & Picus (2008) Aides: 2.16 FTE ▫Special Ed.: 1.22 FTE 2x 0.61 FTE ▫Virtual mentors: 0.94 FTE 2 x 0.47 FTE Librarian: 1.0 FTE (4K-12) Library aide: 0.94 FTE ▫2 x 0.47 FTE Principal: 1.0 FTE ▫0.5 shared with WVL Secretary: 1.72 FTE ▫0.425 shared with WVL Aides: 1.25 Librarian: 1.0 Library media tech.: 0.4 Principal: 1.0 Secretary: 1.0
Declining Enrollment Scenario 5% decline per year : 248 (base) ▫About $9,000 per student : 236 (-12) ▫-$108,000 ▫-6.6% from budget : 224 (-12) ▫-$108, : 213 (-11) ▫-$99,000 3 year total: -$315,000 Total OHS Budget (10-11) ▫$1,626,213
Not Unknown to OHS : : (-7.6%) : 304 ▫-11 (-3.5%) : 277 ▫-27 (-8.9%) : 267 ▫-10 (-3.6%) : 262 ▫-5 (-1.9%) 5 years ▫-79 (-23.1%) 9 years ▫-93 (-27.2%)
Limitations to Staffing 94% of school budget already for staff ▫Non-salary & benefits: $95,029 ▫Doesn’t include Special Ed, Pupil Support, Library Staff FTE already shared ▫With OMS, WVL, District Office Some staff teach multiple courses in same period ▫Ex. Tech Ed. Departments/electives previously reduced ▫F&CE, Driver’s Ed eliminated ▫Career & Tech Ed: only intro classes Math & Soc. Sci. ▫At Superintendant’s “bare minimum” of 2.0 FTE
Some courses already run with <10 students ▫Can these continue to be run every year? ▫Which classes may not be run (ex. AP, electives) Will these students open enroll out? All district secretaries on 11 mo. contracts: 0.92 FTE Most aides already part-time: 0.47 FTE Current district fund balance ▫$68,596 ▫(08-09: $711,951) Increased levy not politically feasible
Possible Solutions Eliminate/reduce vacant FTE ▫Retirement or resignation 10-11: 7 FTE certified, 5 secretaries/aides OHS-WVL shared staffing ▫Offer lower-enrollment courses virtually Or blend virtual & brick courses – hybrid? Ex. World language, Health/PE ▫* Training needed for online OHS-OMS shared staffing & courses ▫Advanced 8 th grade English & Math
Rotation of lower-enrollment courses WVL “outsourced” electives taught by OHS staff ▫Technology, Finance Virtual classes – not for all students Workload on brick teachers ▫Spanish & PE – new virtual responsibilities ▫Cost to train Consider existing programs & materials ▫Brick or virtual that could be used in other school Grants available – virtual/charter schools? Provide online courses to other districts
Graduation Requirements OHS: 27 creditsWisconsin: 21.5 English: 4 credits Mathematics: 3 credits Science: 3 credits Social Studies: 3 credits Physical Education: 1.5 credits Health: 0.5 credit Vocational Education: 0.5 credit Fine Arts: 0.5 credit Personal Finance or Economics: 0.5 credit Electives: 10.5 credits English: 4 credits Mathematics: 2 credits Science: 2 credits Social Studies: 3 credits Physical Education: 1.5 credits Health: 0.5 credit Electives: 8.5 credits
Possible Reallocations Reduce 0.5 FTE Science ▫Added for AP Chem ( ) ▫Alternate AP Chem & AP Bio ▫$34,725 Reduce 0.67 FTE WVL Foreign Language ▫Blend OHS, OMS, WVL Spanish FTE ▫$47, % reduction in all department budgets (incl. office) ▫$8,639 Shared 9-12 OHS & WVL counselor ▫Principal & guidance secretary already shared