Yr Students must complete 12 units 12 units (6 subjects) in Prelim Year (at School) 10 units (5 subjects) in HSC Year (minimum ) English is compulsory for all students English Studies will not entitle you to an ATAR (University entry) BUT will support a HSC
2 new courses: Ceramics & Wearable Art These are board endorsed courses – Non ATAR Subjects on offer at DHSVAD Aboriginal Studies Ancient History Biology Business Studies Chemistry Community & Family Studies Design and Technology Drama Economics English Studies (non ATAR) English -Advanced English – Standard English –Preliminary Extension 1 Entertainment (VET/ Category B) Food Technology Geography Legal Studies Physics Hospitality Operations (VET/ Category B) Industrial Technology, Timber Information Technology (VET/ Category B) Japanese Beginners Japanese Continuers Mathematics – General Mathematics - 2U Mathematics Preliminary Extension 1/Mathematics HSC Extension 1/ Mathematics HSC Extension 2 Modern History Music 1 Music 2 Physical Development Health and Physical Education Retail Services (VET/ Category B) Senior Science Society and Culture Studies of Religion 1 and 2 Textiles and Design Visual Arts Visual Design Over 40 courses on offer
Choose carefully Be guided by your: ability and aptitude - choose subjects and levels you are good at, or have demonstrated that you have the potential to develop your knowledge skills and understanding further. interest - choose subjects in which you are interested and want to learn more about. university requirements - most university courses require/assume or recommend the study of particular subjects. Check the UAC Tertiary Entrance guide career plans - what are your career interest areas?
RoSA and Preliminary Year RosA Anytime after the completion of yr10 and before the HSC Yr11 Preliminary Year Completion of Preliminary Year courses A- E grade, awarded based on demonstration of achievement Course information will also appear on the Higher School Certificate
Qualifications for RoSA attended a government school, an accredited non- government school or a recognised school outside NSW; undertaken and completed courses of study that satisfy the Board’s curriculum and assessment requirements for the Record of School Achievement; complied with any other regulations or requirements (such as attendance) imposed by the Minister or the Board; and completed Year 10.
When can you receive a RoSA? Anytime a student leaves during Stage 6 – Year 11 & 12. Starts Year 12 but doesn’t finish – ( this will be recorded on the Record of Achievement. This is the cumulative Record of School Achievement.
What will it look like?
NEW Yr 11 grades will appear on the HSC
What does a student have to do to satisfactorily complete a Prelim/HSC course? follow the course prescribed by the Board of Studies achieve a minimum of 50% or all of the course outcomes apply yourself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks provided in the course by the school Maintain an attendance rate of 85%.
Further support Yr 10 Mentor teacher Subject teachers & Head Teachers Careers advisor : Mr Spetere Curriculum coordinator : Ms Dracopoulos Yr advisor : Ms Howard Counsellor: Mr Davies
Timetable Subject selection will be online. (collect your code) All students will receive their subject selections in Term 4 this year All students must select by Monday 11 th August 2014 See Ms Dracopoulos or Mr Spetere for assistance Good Luck!
We look forward to working with you in the Prelim and HSC years