1 OACCESS Fundamentals Specific to OPI Case Managers and OPI/OAA Data Entry staff Presented by Rhonda Buedefeldt March 2010
2 Table of Contents Person Search Add new person Review Client icon Case details Person tab Address tab Contacts tab Service Needs icon OAA Summary tab Review Nutrition tab ADL/IADL Special Diet Review OAA Svc/FCSP tab Add new service Review CAPS icon Benefits icon Case Overview tab Service tab Review Narrative icon Narration standards ,48 Sample Narrative What NOT to narrate Case closure Data entry checklist OACCESS Application Choices...65 Working away from the office Technical assistance resources...74 Contacts
3 Objectives Identify OACCESS screens to complete for OPI Cases to be coded properly Review Narrative expectations Understand how OA coding impacts the broader work of the local AAA and SPD offices Identify OACCESS screens to complete for accurate NAPIS data to be collected
4 What we will not be covering OPI payment vouchers CAPS –Assessments –Service Planning OACCESS tools such as –Ticklers –Reports –Hot Keys
5 Let’s Get Started!
6 Main Menu
7 Person Search
10 Name (auto-filled) Gender DOB Marital Status Social Security Number Race/Ethnicity
17 Review Person Search –Search by proper name or nickname –Do not create a new client file if one exists in the Client Information System (CIS aka Mainframe aka Host Explorer aka Hummingbird) –Indicate in the case file if the person has any alias names.
18 Your Primary Icons Client Icon
19 Case Details Three tabs require your attention Person Address Contacts Please complete as many cells with the information as you have available. Don’t under-estimate the value of information especially contacts and contact roles.
23 Your Primary Icons Service Needs
24 Service icon OAA Sumry tab Nutrition tab ADL/IADL tab Special Diet tab
26 Review OAA Sumry tab Last Review Date Months to review # in HH Income level Start date
27 Screen print
30 Review NutrRsk/ADL tab Nutrition Risk ADL/IADL’s Special Diet Physician Info (if available)
31 Moving on OAA Svc/FCGS tab –All services on the OPI client service plan should be coded here –Start Date –Authorized Units of Service –Information on this tab needs to be updated each time a new service is provided –Monthly units of service provided can be entered using this tab
35 Review OAA Svc tab/FCSP All services on Svc Plan including OAA srvcs Information & Assistance Case Management or Case Monitoring Personal Care/Homemaker Services Home Delivered Meal Caregiver Services (if applicable)
36 Your Primary Icons CAPS (no tabs associated)
37 CAPS Assessment must be done at least annually (not to exceed 12 months) Client Details – CMS Waivered Requirement Service Planning (allows payment to home-care workers and agencies via the SPD voucher/billing system)
38 Need a break?
39 Your Primary Icons Benefits
40 Benefits icon Case Overview tab Service tab
41 Screen print
42 Review Benefits/Case Overview tab Date of Request OPI Box Checked Assign Worker, Roles Applying For (Select PA)
44 Review Service tab Case Action Start Date OAR Citation ( ) Monthly Fee
45 Your Primary Icons Narrative (no tabs associated)
46 Narration Standards 1. Chronological Record 2. Time of Contact (or within 3 days) 3. Objective, Factual, Free of Personal Bias 4. Descriptive, Concise and Complete 5. Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
48 Narration Narration MUST be kept up to date and should be done at the time of contact or activity, or within at least 3 days. Narrate all contacts with client, family, provider agencies, home care workers, etc. Be brief but include who, what, where, when and how. Ensure all information narrated is objective and client focused.
49 Narration, continued It is not necessary to duplicate any information already documented in CAPS. Refer the reader to the CAPS assessment for details. Document forms have been sent; forms have been returned. Document completed or pending referrals or other case actions.
50 Narration, continued Document changes in plan or provider status. Document actions taken on the case. What did the worker agree to follow through on and what is the individual or representative going to do? Finally - remember to document all monitoring activities such as client visits and phone calls.
52 Sample Narrative - OPI client fee calculation Client eligible for OPI Services with a SPL of 15. OPI approved & service plan developed. Total household income = $1,000/month from client’s Social Security benefits. Medical expenses=$200.00/month ($100 in Rx; $50 in OTC meds; $50 in medical services for a total of $200). Net income = $800.00/month ($1000-$200=$800). Client fee based on net is $1.13 per hour. Service plan includes 20 hours. Total monthly client fee =$5.80/month (20 hours x $1.13=$22.60)
53 Narration - CAPS Things related to CAPS that should be narrated : Date and location of assessment Who was present or interviewed Collateral contacts and/or records reviewed Is client receiving appropriate care? List SPL (or if re-determination, new SPL) Please see xx/xx/xxxx Assessment for details.
54 Narration –Visits & Phone Calls Did the worker provide any information? What action(s) was/were taken? What did the worker agree to follow through on, and, What does the client or representative need to do?
55 What NOT to Narrate? HIV/AIDS Protective service details/outcomes Domestic violence allegations Anything not directly related to client/client care
56 Need a break?
57 Case Closure Person/Case details: Date of Death OAA Sumry tab: Zero out months to next review OAA Svc/FCSP tab: –All services should have end date reason the services have ended CAPS - End date
62 Review of Case Closure Case Overview - Remove yourself as worker Narrate – what you have done and why you have done it Inactivate Case Send decision notice with Grievance forms, if appropriate Send notice to homecare worker
63 Data Entry Checklist Person Details/ Case Details Fill in as completely as possible Contacts and Roles Benefits/Case Overview tab Date of Request OPI Box Checked Assign Worker, Roles Applying For (Select PA) Service tab Case Action Start Date OAR Citation Monthly Fee CAPS Assessment Client Details Service Planning Service Needs OAA Sumry tab Last Review Date Months to review # in HH Income level Start date NutrRsk/ADL tab Nutrition Risk ADL/IADL’s Special Diet Physician Info (if available) OAA Svc tab/FCSP All services on Svc Plan Information & Assistance Case Management or Case Monitoring Personal Care/Homemaker Services Home Delivered Meal Caregiver Services (if applicable) Narration Complete
64 Let’s talk a bit about OACCESS and the application options available to you.
65 OACCESS Application Citrix - Consolidated use only OA is not installed on your desktop/laptop – it is accessed through your internet browser and is available through a remote server (aka VPN). Desktop – Consolidated use only Desktops are stationary computers. OA is installed on your desktop or you access via Citrix. Desktops offer “Consolidated” use only. (All case files are consolidated into the OA application – no remote use is available.) Laptop – Consolidated and Remote use To utilize your laptop both in-office and remotely you will need to contact the DHS Service Desk (see Resources). If you utilize Citrix to access OA, please have your IP address available when you contact the Service Desk with your request for Remote access.
66 Locating Your IP Address
67 Working Away From the Office
72 Select case files
74 Technical Assistance Resources State Unit on Aging website OPI Case Manager Manual OPI Administrative Rules, Program Expectations Assessment, Narration & CAPS tools
75 Resources, continued SPD Staff Tools Prescription Assistance Link Health Topics & Medication Info
76 Contacts Program State Unit on Aging OPI Program Manager Elaine Young, OAA/NAPIS Program Analyst – OACCESS Specialist Rhonda Buedefeldt, DHS Service Desk
77 Questions? Comments?
78 That’s all Folks Have a marvelous evening