Space Grant Supported Student Space Hardware Programs in Alabama
Overview Alabama Space Grant Consortium: 7 universities Five universities involved in SSH Programs: Alabama A&M University - AAMU Auburn University - AU University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) - UA University of Alabama in Birmingham - UAB University of Alabama in Huntsville* - UAH Programs: BalloonSat (5) Small Satellites (2) Rocketry (4) “Inspiration”: Student Mission to Mars with JPL (2 students)
Workforce Development Programs supported by ASGC Balloo n CubeSatNanoSatRockets Mars JPL AAMU 1 AU UA 11 UAB 1 UAH 211
Auburn University Student Space Program Emphasis on management and systems engineering Program management team –Program Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Public Relations Officer, Human Resources Officer, Webmaster Technical teams: ballooning and satellite teams – Manager and Systems Engineer
Management Responsibilities Job descriptions Recruitment Longitudinal tracking Attendance Organize socials Certificates Public Relations Information Tech. Manage finances Fund raising Website Outreach Program Archives Internships, scholarships and coop opportunities
Technical Teams Manager –Planning, scheduling, implementing plan, taking corrective action, purchasing Systems Engineer –Plans and guides the engineering effort –Bridges disciplines –Provides balance among conflicting objectives
Learning Process Four learning modules First two-weeks of semester: no “tinkering”, learning process Process: –Set objectives, establish requirements, define work steps (WBS), critical path, Gantt chart for schedule –Update schedule weekly –Participation of all students in process - ownership
Systems Engineering Each semester’s activity is a project –Beginning and end with deliverables Process –Requirements Mission; system; subsystem; components –Functional definition –Physical definition –Design validation Risk analysis Documentation
Results Impressive progress made in Balloon and CubeSat programs Process guides work Confidence builder Students take ownership Higher morale Success
BalloonSat Programs Launch of BAMASAT 3 from Moundville Archeological Park Launch of AHAB-8 from Eufaula airport in Alabama on Nov. 4
AU-AHAB Students –Mostly freshmen and sophomore engineers –Take PHYS 3500 for credit Technical –Two tracking systems –Cut-down system with both GPS and ground triggers –Several ground stations –Great Ham radio support HS Outreach –Payload box with data logger –Experiments: magnetometer, gyros and accelerometers
BAMASAT Students design, build, & fly free-floating balloonsats to gain experience with space systems engineering. Outreach component BAMASAT led to a graduate level research program
UAH Student BalloonSat Projects
UAH - Senior Projects in ECE 15 Launch & Recoveries in Period 1,000 ft 2 of well equipped lab spaceScience payload box Science experiments: Temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, magnetic field, acceleration, trace gases, light intensity, speed of sound - Accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, Geiger counter, cut-down system, cameras, thermistors, etc.
UAH - Senior Projects in ECE Data gathered GPS Data Temperature Data Gyroscope Data Accelerometer Data Solar Panel Output Power Consumption Imagery
Goals –Provide a Platform for Science and Engineering Experiments –Stimulate Interest in Independent Research –Develop Hands On Laboratory Experience Established in 2005 –15 Student Participants –Dedicated Workspace –Open to All UAH Students First Flight in Spring 2006 Involved in HASP in 2006 Support –MAE and ECE Faculty –NSSTC –ASGC Sponsorship Future missions: guided parafoils, better imaging, new sensors, enhanced radio modes UAH Balloon Club
Satellite Programs
AU - CubeSat Walk level Juniors and Seniors Class: PHYS 3500 Use COTS Science mission: attitude determination using a novel UV detector Now: Building phase Spring 07: integration and testing phase M ≤ 1-kg; size =10 cm sides
AU - NanoSat Run level Select juniors, grad students Collaboration Physics, ECE, ME Submitted proposal to AFOSR Test reconfigurable FPGA in space: a first M≤30-kg; Max. linear size: 50-cm
First launch of the Phoenix 1Second launch of the Phoenix 1 Students design, build, & fly high power rockets. The Phoenix 1 rocket was used to gain Level 1 NAR (National Association of Rocketry) certification. The Crimson Flame rocket is UA’s entry into the University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) competition. There are also plans to explore different types of propulsion systems for high power rockets as part of the Phoenix rocket program. Phoenix/Crimson Flame Rockets
Other Rocket Programs AAMU –Have launched to 10,000 ft AU –Building first rocket as part of senior project UAH –Number of successful launches to 10,000 ft AAMU Rocket launched May 22, 2006