1999 Year in Review Phil Ryder
Welcome to: PI Sigmafine RLINK Universal Data Adaptor
Effect of Y2K The power stayed on The missiles stayed in the silos PI Systems around the world continued to work OSI closed out another record year
Results for 1999 $50.2 million in sales >25% growth 280 new customers
Some New Customers
Success Comes From: Great Products Great Customer References Increased Sales Coverage
Has its challenges
Marketing Efforts in ’99 Advertising Public Relations Me and My PI Devnet
Me and My PI Contest Winners: First Place: Cerex Fabrics Runners up: Nippon Chemicals Alunorte Biochemie Clean Dry Air
Cerex First prize: Free admission to the users conference 1,000 tag PI Server 100 ActiveViews
OSI Devnet Launched third quarter of 1999 Over 1,000 Registered Users Thousands of downloads Applications ActiveX controls Add-in’s Excel Scripts and Wizards Technical Articles
OSI Devnet
OSI Devnet ePI
ePI Provides Structure for ActiveView Track and manage downloads of “PDI” displays Authorize and track use of ActiveView Who used what See Curt Hertler’s presentation on 10:00
New Products Will Have a Dramatic Effect on Our Growth Universal Data Adaptor/Universal Data Server (PI without the history) Module Database “Batch” Subsystem Integrated PI/Sigmafine
Sigmafine “We used to argue over numbers. Now we have one place where we go to (SAP) where we get the official numbers for the Company” CIO of a major chemical company “It’s common to optimistically assume that data is clean, but that’s usually a very bad and costly assumption” John Carro, CIO of Unisys ** What if the numbers are Wrong?
Sigmafine Data Reconciliation Identify sources of erroneous data through statistical methods Apply correction factors to make material balances work Yield reports Bad meter reports Identify meters that need to be fixed L3 T101 T102 L2 F1 F2T1 L1 T103 S1 S2 T1
Module Database Concept introduced last year as “equipment database” Much more generic in nature than being just an equipment DB Recipe Management Personnel Management User Context “17” applications that use the Module Database
New “Batch” Subsystem Much more comprehensive functionality Batch unit batch sub-batch sub-batch Applicable to many more processes
Year of RLINK The market wasn’t ready when we first introduced RLINK Large Roll out at Eastman Chemicals Use at Dow Corning, Geon, etc. QM Certification PM Certification in the works See Johnette McDaniel’s presentation on Eastman Chemical -
User Services Internet Explorer HTML/XML Client-Side Script Java Applets ActiveX Native Win 32 Active X COM Business Services DCOM HTTP IIS / ASP COM / MTS ADOADSIOLE-DBMSMQ Data Services SQL Server Index Server Catalog Site Server Directory Oracle, etc. PI SystemInternet Microsoft’s DNA
OSI’s Version Client Apps ActiveView ProcessBook Datalink Batch View Etc. SQL ServerOther Historians Component Historian Batch Tracking Module DB RT - SQC Calculations Batch Template Monitor RLINK OLE DB Connect SigmaFine PlantSuite Server Universal Data Adapter COM Connector
Return of Unix? (Linux) OSI still supports Unix Ironically, we’re the best positioned company to support this market
Survival Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes up, you'd better be running!
The Effect of PI No PI PI
Finally We’ll work hard to continue to earn it!