“Why?” you ask. Good question
The Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians were unified in the area we now know as England (Angle- land… land of the Angles … Eng- land… get it?) [Map on next slide.]
William, Duke of Normandy (Normandy is in France) came over and kicked the Anglo- Saxons’ bu**s. He and his men conquered the region and took over. The French language is declared the official language and used in government. Knife knight (“k,” “e,” and “gh” become silent after French influence)
Section of Bayeux Tapestry that depicts the Battle of Hastings William, Duke of Normandy won the battle.
What does patriarchal mean? Patriarch = father Patriarchal is a male dominated society Comitatus (Old English term for a group of male warriors- friends/support) Man, sword, dog, horse
Hoo Who? place in England where a buried ship with Anglo-Saxon artifacts was excavated by archeologists Why is that important? Before 1939 we thought A/S were much more primitive. The artifacts changed our perception.
Fate Blood payment ____ was more important than an afterlife to many Anglo-Saxons.
Polytheism (commonly referred to as paganism) Christianity started spreading during the A/S period (period of mixing polytheism and the new religion- Christianity. Ex. Eostre
Eostre, dawn-goddess was also known to be the spring goddess of fertility. People were deeply connected to the land and to the naturally-occurring agricultural cycle. The land’s fertility was the key to survival. The spring of the year was highly anticipated—when productivity and fertility returned after a long desolate winter. Many cultures celebrated the coming of spring as an integral part of the worship of their gods or goddesses, particularly those associated with fertility. Eggs and rabbits were common symbols of fertility. Nature is in resurrection after winter. Hence, the rabbits, notable for their fecundity, and the eggs, colored like rays of the returning sun….” The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility.”
There are 3 designations of English: Old English, Middle English, and Modern English.
Kennings- compound words metaphor Ex. Whale-road- ocean Alliteration Caesura- break/pause