Pre-Constantine About 250 AD, first empire wide persecution (Decius) Roman Empire had suffered setbacks Gods taking revenge for being lax with Christians As many as 80% lapsed Last great persecution (Diocletian) Churches destroyed Clergy imprisoned Sacrifice to gods or die
Constantine Two stories of Constantine’s “vision” Vision of cross “By This Sign Conquer” Latin In Hoc Signo Vinces
Constantine Two stories of Constantine’s “vision” Vision of cross “By This Sign Conquer” Latin In Hoc Signa Vinces Greek word for conquer is Nika
Constantine, continued Historians debate – was his conversion genuine? No more branding of prisoners’ faces Made in image of God Government money to charity work of church Built great churches Exempted clergy from taxes Paid civil servants
Who is Christ? Arius – Elder in Alexandrian church Influenced by Greek philosophical thought Matter (physical world) inferior Could not have been created by the High God High God created the “Logos” Created the world, entered it as Christ Made it easier for polytheists to convert
Who is Christ? Athanasius – Deacon in Alexandria If Jesus not true God, how do we receive life from him? How could salvation be certain? Arianism splitting the church Constantine alarmed – called for the first Ecumenical council in Nicaea (325 AD) Ecumenical - “whole church” Why so long before this first council?
Nicene Creed Became first ecumenical creed (local before) First writing emphasized the relationship between the Father and the Son “Of one substance” was the most crucial phrase Arians wanted “of similar being” The sides battled for fifty years. Emperors wanted peace at any cost. People on both sides excommunicated and exiled Athanasius – Bishop of Alexandria Excommunicated and reinstated several times
Nicene Creed, cont. New emperor Theodosius (380) Summoned Council of Constantinople (381) Affirmed the Nicene Creed Especially “same substance” Worked out Holy Spirit’s Role Basil of Caesarea Led Nicene party after Athanasius died (373) Holy Spirit must be true God – baptized in his name Stressed “Lord and giver of life,” “worshipped with Father and Son”
Video Follow Up Licinius was hanged for treason during time of Council of Nicaea (less than a year after he had been spared) According to some accounts, his son was executed two years later How should we judge Constantine in light of the fact he hanged Licinius and may have killed his wife?
Impact of Legalized Christianity Christianity not official state religion Substantial minority Late 300s, under Theodosius, became state church Mid 500s, Justinian outlawed paganism Now it was easy to be a Christian, attractive to be clergy Cost of discipleship obscured Arts connected w/ church flourished
Nations convert From late 200s to late 500s, Goths, Arab tries, Armenia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Franks, Irish, Scots, eventually English convert to Christianity
Nations convert From late 200s to late 500s, Goths, Arab trives, Armenia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Franks, Irish, Scots, eventually English convert to Christianity With these groups came their customs Example: Return of sun December 25 in west, January 6 in east Was it church strategy to transform pagan rites into meaningful Christian observances? Unproven
Nations convert, continued Power, comfort, new customs changed church Not different from rest of society anymore Which led to the rise of… Monasticism Movement to separate from society to be pure Would it work? See Mark 7:14-22
Church’s Influence Positive 7 day week – working person finally a day off Sexual immorality, rape – punished Infanticide – illegal Gladiator combat died out But… Unable to stop oppression of poor by wealthy Feudal system emerging Charity self-centered (prayers of poor special)
Christian Life Alb – no special significance Chasuble – outer garment Prayer – no bowing, folding, closing Standing – eyes, hands, head directed up to God Liturgy influenced by Emperor worship Sense of awe, mystery Lots of people coming into church w/o knowledge, discipline Main problem sexual immorality Baptism delayed. Paradox – great regard for baptism, unwilling to live for Christ