Italian Good Practice Projects Michela Arnaboldi and Giovanni Azzone 1
Agenda The context The Target of GP projects The Model The main “products” The general results for the Italian University system
The context Autonomy means: Impact of central services on differentiation Impact of central services on cost reduction But we need management tools consistent with the characteristics of central services
The target of Good Practice Identify performance indicators; Identify good practices; Understand key driver of good practice, in order to suggest opportunities for improvement.
The universities involved
The Model: GP approach Process volume Activity quality Volume Quality Resources
The measures and area addressed The measurement system have included: Efficiency indicators Effectiveness indicators: Subjective quality Objective quality The areas of the university included are: Student support services Accounting Procurement and Logistics Personnel management (humane resource) Research support services Information system services
The area addressed
The efficiency indicators ACTIVITY Input output The indicator used for measuring efficiency is the cost The model based on activity allows to measure: The total cost of the activities The unit cost per output of the activities For example if we consider the matriculation activity: Total cost for university A = 120,000€ N. of matriculated students of A = 10,000 students The unit cost per output is 120,000€/10,000 = 12 €/matriculated student Cost Output (or driver)
An example of activities and drivers
Effectiveness Indicators Output volume (Efficiency) Input Output characteristics(Effectiveness) The effectiveness may be measured in two ways: Objective quality: Objective indicators (e.g. delivery time; system availability; presence of controls) Subjective quality: User perception
The main “products”
Accounting activities: total costs
Accounting activities: Unit costs of single activities
Acccounting: the unit costs and the scale effect
Variance from the curve
Variance from the curve
The evolution of unit costs between two projects Confronto dati 2001 - 2003 515,01 786,14 547,07 443,52 576,95 293,39 645,42 961,54 454,39 999,75 620,10 391,37 695,08 331,36 614,75 842,08 200 400 600 800 1.000 1.200 A B C E G I L N €uro/preson GP 2001 GP 2003
Student Support Services: drivers of perceived quality Too high investments Strenghts Low importance Weaknesses
Student Suuport services: perceived quality and actual quality
Student Support Services: quality The relation between perceived quality and actual quality
Accounting: actual quality The objective time for two accounting procedures
The integration of Efficiency and Effectiveness
The impact Common language Community on performance measurement Diffusion of practices