Hutton rock festival Tickets Line up Parking/weather Shop Video Gallery Find us! Food Starts July 15 th Ends July 28th
Line up Bastille Ed Sheeran Eminem Artic monkeys Imagine dragons The 1975
Tickets 16+ Adult (25+) £175 Teenager (16-21) £135 OAP (60+) £70 prices
shop T-shirts - £15 Phone case - £5 Sweatshirts - £20 Bobble heads - £2.50 Available colours
You can reserve parking by calling: It is £40 to reserve prime parking by the exit and for parking anywhere else is £30 or £20 if you pay while there Parking/weather
Bastille Song list Pompeii Daniel in the den Bad blood Flaws Weight of living 1/2 Bio: Bastille were created in 2010 in Sheffield. The lead singer is called Dan smith. There next event after this is in leads on Saturday the 29 th of august Social media Facebook page Instagram Twitter Spotify
Imagine dragons Radioactive Demons Its time Warriors Bleeding out Imagine dragons Bio: Imagine dragons are an American rock band formed in 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, their lead singer is called Dan Reynolds Facebook page Twitter Instagram Spotify Song list
Eminem Social mediaSong list Bio: Eminem’s real name is Marshall Mathers the III and he was born in Missouri in the US in October 1972, he brought out his debut album ‘infinite’ in 1996 when he was 24, he has 3 daughters. He also has a Oscar winning film called 8 mile Lose yourself Rock bottom Till I collapse Just lose it Rap god FacebookFacebook page Twitter Instagram spotify
The 1975 Social mediaSong list Bio: The 1975 are a English band formed in Manchester in 2002 when the band members were just 13 and they have been together since. Lead singer is called Matthew Healy and there is a total of four band members Chocolate Girls Sex She way out So far (its alright) FacebookFacebook page Instagram Twitter spotify
Ed sherran Song list A team Lego house Don't Photograph Sing Bio: Ed sherran is a 24 year old British artist he moved to London in 2008 to pursue his dream of being a musician, but at 18 in London he was living and sleeping on the subway until his career took off Social media Facebook page Instagram Twitter spotify
Artic monkeys Bio: The arctic monkeys are a English indie rock band formed in Sheffield in Alex turner is the lead singer and guitarist. Other members are, Matt Helders, Jamie cook and Nick O’Malley Song lists Fluorescent adolescent Mardybum Arrabella R U mine I bet look good on the dance floor Social media Facebook page Instagram Twitter spotify
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Food We will have multiple mobile KFC’S There will be free coca cola on the first day of the festival There will also be a subway there There will be also local unbranded concession stands there