SEEKING STABLE CLUSTERS IN THE BLOGOSPHERE SNU IDB Lab. Chung-soo Jang MAR 21, 2008 VLDB 2007, VIENNA Nilesh Bansal, Fei Chiang, Nick Koudas University of Toronto Frank Wm. Tompa University of Waterloo
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 2
Introduction (1) The Blogosphere 3 67M KNOWN BLOGS 100K NEW EVERYDAY DOUBLING EVERY 200 DAYS
Introduction (3) Why should we care? Huge data repository Will continue to grow Extracting public opinions Valuable insights MARKET RESEARCH PUBLIC RELATION STRATEGIES CUSTOMER OPINION TRACKING 5
Introduction (4) The Blogoscope University of Toronto Live blog search and analysis engine Tracking over 13 million blogs, 100 million posts Serves thousands of daily visitors Visit: 6
Introduction (5) The Blogoscope 7 Hot Keywords Hot Keywords
Related Terms Related Terms Popularity Curve Popularity Curve Search Results Search Results Geo Search Geo Search
Hawaii Earthquake Taiwan Undersea Earthquake Sumatra Earthquake
December March
Baseball ON JAN
Introduction (5) Challenges and opportunities Various stories => Topics evolve => keywords align together A specific topic or event => A set of keywords forming a cluster. Note that such keyword clusters are temporal (associated with specific time periods) and transient. As topics recede, associated keyword clusters dissolve, because their keywords do not appear frequently together anymore. Identifying such clusters for specific time intervals is a challenging problem. Our Goal: Finding persistent chatter (keyword cluster) 14
Introduction (6) Persistent Chatter Apple iPhone – January 2007 Jan first week: Anticipation of iPhone release Jan 9th: iPhone release at Macworld Jan 10th: Lawsuit by Cisco Jan third week: Decrease in chatter about iPhone 15
Introduction (7) Stable Clusters - Apple iPhone Persistent for 4 days Topic drifts Starts with discussion about Apple in general Moves towards the Cisco lawsuit 16
Introduction (8) Why stable cluster? Information Discovery Monitor the buzz in the Blogosphere “What were bloggers talking about in April last year?” Query refinement and expansion If the query keyword belongs to one of the cluster, good Visualization? Show keyword clusters directly to the user 17
Introduction (9) Contribution in this paper Efficient algorithm to identify keyword clusters BlogScope data contains over 13M unique keywords Applicable to other streaming text sources Flickr tags, News articles Formalize the notion of stable clusters Efficient algorithms to identify stable clusters BFS, DFS and TA Amenable to online computation over streaming data Using real dataset, experimental evaluation 18
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 19
Related Work (1) Graph partitioning A topic of active research topic A k-way graph partitioning Graph G => K mutually exclusive subsets of vertices of approximately the same size such that the number of edges of G that belong to different subsets is minimized. NP-HARD Several heuristic technique Especially, multilevel graph bisection Kernighan-Lin based on cut-size reduction when changing node Constraint that number of partitions has to be specified in advance 20
Related Work (2) Correlation clustering Drop of this constraint Production of graph cuts Given a graph in which each edge is marked with a ‘+’ or a ‘-’, correlation clustering produces a partitioning of the graph such that the number of ‘+’ edges within each cluster and the number of ‘-’ edges across clusters is maximized. NP-HARD Several approximation algorithms Very interesting theoretically, but far from practical. Moreover the existing algorithms require the edges to have binary labels, which is not the case in the applications we have in mind. 21
Related Work (3) Alternative formulation of graph clustering Flake’s Solving the problem using network flows. Drawback A sensitivity parameter ∂ before executing the algorithm, and the ∂ choice of affects the solutions produced significantly. The running time of such an algorithm is prohibitively large O(V E), for V vertices and E edges, both of which are in the order of millions in our problem. required six hours to conduct a graph cut on agraph with a few thousand edges and vertices.) Unclear how to set parameters of this algorithm, and no guidelines 22
Related Work (4) Measures for evaluating clusters Been utilized in the past to assess associations between keywords in a corpus We employ some of these techniques to infer the strength of association between keywords during our cluster generation process. 23
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 24
Cluster Generation (1) Definitions for organizing keyword graph D: the set of interesting text documents D ∈ D: represented as a bag of words u, v: kewords A D (u, v): 1, if both u and v are present in D 0, otherwise A(u,v)= ∑ D ∈ D A D (u, v): the count of documents in D that contains both u and v Triplets of the form (u, v, A(u,v)) V: the union of all keywords in these triplets 25
Cluster Generation (2) Definitions for organizing keyword graph Triplets of the form (u, v, A(u,v)) Each triplet represents an edge E with weight A(u, v) in graph G over vertices V A(u) : the number of documents in D containing the keyword u A(u, ‾u ): the number of documents containing u but not v. 26
Cluster Generation (3) BlogScope crawler fetches all newly created blog posts at regular time intervals. D: the set of all blog posts created in a temporal interval A(u, v) : the number of blog posts created in the selected temporal interval containing both u and v. Indexing around 75 million blog posts, and fetches over 200,000 new posts everyday. Needs for the effective computation of the triplets (u, v,A(u, v)) 27
Cluster Generation (4) The process of computation of the triplets [pass 1] [pass 2] Stemming and removal of stop words [pass 3] All keyword pairs, A(u)=(u, u) [pass 3] A file with all keyword pair sorted lexicography => triplets 28 {D}
Cluster Generation (5) The result of computation of the triplets 29
Cluster Generation (6) The result of computation of the triplets Filtering process Given graph G, we first infer statistically significant associations between pairs of keywords in this graph. Null Hypothesis if one keyword appears in n1 fraction of the posts and another keyword in a fraction n2 we would expect them both to occur together in n1n2 fraction of posts. The test of null hypothesis c 30
Cluster Generation (7) The result of computation of the triplets Filtering process In Χ square test, if, u and v are correlated at the 95% confidence level. => Null hypothesis (True) This test can act as a filter omitting edges from G not correlated according to the test at the desired level of significance. 31
Cluster Generation (8) The result of computation of the triplets How about a correlation strength? Χ square test doesn’t capture a correlation strength So we need other measure for a correlation strength d 32
Cluster Generation (9) The result of computation of the triplets P(u, v) Criteria between strong correlation and a week correlation Reduced by eliminating all edges with values of less than a specific threshold. (p> 0.2) Importance of correlations The strong ones offer good indicators for query refinement (e.g., for a query keyword we may suggest the strongest correlation as a refinement) Help for tracking the nature of ‘chatter’ around specific keywords. 33
Cluster Generation (10) The result of computation of the triplets Only strong associations remain after pruning 34 G=>G’
Cluster Generation (11) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Segmenting the Keyword Graph Graph clustering algorithms [KK’98, FRT’05] We don’t know the number of clusters High computational complexity Graph may not fit in main memory Correlation clustering [BBC’04] – expensive Our aim => fast, suitable for graphs Bi-connected components An articulation point in a graph is a vertex such that its removal makes the graph disconnected. A graph with at least two edges is bi-connected if it contains no articulation points. 35
Cluster Generation (12) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Segmenting the Keyword Graph Bi-connected components A biconnected component of a graph is a maximal biconnected graph. An articulation point in a graph is a vertex such that its removal makes the graph disconnected. A graph with at least two edges is bi-connected if it contains no articulation points. 36
Cluster Generation (13) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Segmenting the Keyword Graph Why do we use bi-connected components in segmenting the keyword graph? The underlying intuition is that nodes in a biconnected component survived pruning, due to very strong pair-wise correlations. This problem is a well studied one [7]CLRS. 37
Cluster Generation (14) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Segmenting the Keyword Graph Why do we use bi-connected components in segmenting the keyword graph? The underlying intuition is that nodes in a biconnected component survived pruning, due to very strong pair-wise correlations. This problem is a well studied one [7]CLRS. 38
Cluster Generation (15) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Bi-connected components 39
Cluster Generation (16) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Finding Bi-connected components Efficient algorithm exists – single pass Realizable in secondary storage [CGGTV’05] Perform a DFS on the graph Maintain two numbers, un and low, with each node 40
Cluster Generation (17) Our aim => Extracting keyword clusters Finding Bi-connected components 41
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 42
Cluster Graph (1) Graph over clusters from three time steps Max temporal gap size, g=1 Three keyword clusters on each time step Each node is a keyword cluster Add a dummy source and sink, and make edges directed Edge weights represent similarity between clusters 43
Cluster Graph (2) 44
Cluster Graph (3) Formal Problem Definition Weight of path = sum of participating edge weights Definition: kl-Stable clusters Find top-k paths of length l with highest weight Definition: normalized stable clusters Find top-k paths of minimum length lmin of highest weight normalized by their lengths 45
Cluster Graph (4) Outline for kl-Stable Clusters 46
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 47
Breadth First Search (1) 48
Breadth First Search (2) 49
Breadth First Search (3) 50
Breadth First Search (4) 51
Breadth First Search (5) BFS Analysis Algorithm requires a single pass over all G i I/O linear in number of clusters (sequential I/O only) Needs enough memory to keep all clusters from past g+1 time steps in memory If enough memory is not available, multiple pass required Similar to block nested join Amenable to streaming computation Can easily update as new data arrives 52
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 53
Depth First Search (1) 54
Depth First Search (2) 55
Depth First Search (3) 56
Depth First Search (4) 57
Depth First Search (5) DFS Analysis The number of I/O accesses is proportional the number of edges in cluster graph Small memory requirement Keeps the stack in the memory Size of the stack bounded by total number of temporal intervals Can be easily updated as new data arrives 58
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 59
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (1) Fagin’s* Threshold Algorithm (TA) Long studied and well understood. ΤΑ Algorithm Read all grades of an object once seen from a sorted access No need to wait until the lists give k common objects Do sorted access (and corresponding random accesses) until you have seen the top k answers. How do we know that grades of seen objects are higher than the grades of unseen objects ? Predict maximum possible grade unseen objects 60
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (2) ΤΑ Algorithm 61 a: 0.9 b: 0.8 c: L1L1 L2L2 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: f: 0.65 d: 0.6 f: 0.6 Seen Possibly unseen Threshold value T = min(0.72, 0.7) = 0.7
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (3) Example of ΤΑ Algorithm Step 1: - parallel sorted access to each list For each object seen: - get all grades by random access - determine Min(A1,A2) - amongst 2 highest seen ? keep in buffer 62 IDA1A1 A2A2 Min(A 1,A 2 ) (a, 0.9) (b, 0.8) (c, 0.72) (d, 0.6) L1L1 L2L2 (d, 0.9) (a, 0.85) (b, 0.7) (c, 0.2) a d
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (4) Example of ΤΑ Algorithm Step 2: - Determine threshold value based on objects currently seen under sorted access. T = min(L1, L2) - 2 objects with overall grade ≥ threshold value ? Stop else go to next entry position in sorted list and repeat step 1 63 IDA1A1 A2A2 Min(A 1,A 2 ) a: 0.9 b: 0.8 c: 0.72 d: L1L1 L2L2 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: a d T = min(0.9, 0.9) = 0.9
64 IDA1A1 A2A2 Min(A 1,A 2 ) (a, 0.9) (b, 0.8) (c, 0.72) (d, 0.6) L1L1 L2L2 (d, 0.9) (a, 0.85) (b, 0.7) (c, 0.2) a d b Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (5) Example of ΤΑ Algorithm Step 1 (Again): - parallel sorted access to each list
65 IDA1A1 A2A2 Min(A 1,A 2 ) a: 0.9 b: 0.8 c: 0.72 d: L1L1 L2L2 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: a b T = min(0.8, 0.85) = 0.8 Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (6) Example of ΤΑ Algorithm Step 2 (Again)
66 IDA1A1 A2A2 Min(A 1,A 2 ) a: 0.9 b: 0.8 c: 0.72 d: L1L1 L2L2 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: a b T = min(0.72, 0.7) = 0.7 Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (7) Example of ΤΑ Algorithm Situation at stopping condition
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (8) Fagin’s* Threshold Algorithm (TA) Why is the threshold correct? Because the threshold essentially gives us the maximum Score for the objects not seen (<= τ ) Advantages: The number of object accessed is minimized! 67
Adapting the Threshold Algorithm (9) 68 IDA1A1 A2A2 A3 a: 0.9 b: 0.8 c: 0.72 d: D1 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: a b D2 d: 0.9 a: 0.85 b: 0.7 c: D3 Min(A 1,A 2 )
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 69
Normalized Stable Clusters (1) Find top-k paths of length greater than lmin with highest weight normalized by their length stability(π) = weight(π)/length(π) Both the BFS or DFS based techniques can be used weight(π)/length(π) is not monotonic Makes pruning tricky 70
Normalized Stable Clusters (2) Theorem 1 71
Normalized Stable Clusters (3) Proof of Theorem 1 72
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 73
Online Version (1) New data arriving at every time interval. The need of the algorithms presented to be amenable to incremental adjustment A point of view in data structures: BFS based algorithm: Good online version DFS based algorithm: Not an online streaming algorithm Our DFS: Incremental fashion as new data arrives. 74
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 75
Experiments (1) Process Outline 76
The battle by Islamist militia against the Somali forces and Ethiopian troops. On Jan 9, Abdullahi Mogadishu US gunships attack Al-qaeda targets. Experiments (2) We present results from blog postings in the week of Jan 6th Around clusters were produced for each day Threshold of 0.2 used for correlation coefficient 77
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 78
Cluster Generation (1) 79
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 80
Stable Clusters (1) 81 Time Space for finding top-3 paths of length 6 on a dataset with n = 2000, m = 9 and g = 0, Less than 22MB RAM for DFS 35MB for BFS.
Stable Clusters (2) 82 Time Space for finding top-3 paths of length 6 on a dataset with n = 2000, m = 9 and g = 0, Less than 22MB RAM for DFS 35MB for BFS.
Stable Clusters (3) Running times for BFS based algorithm seeking top-5 full paths for different values of g as the number of temporal intervals is increased from 5 to 25. Number of nodes per temporal interval was fixed at n = 1000 and average out degree was set to d = 5. 83
Stable Clusters (4) Running times for BFS based algorithm seeking top- 5 full paths for different values of d as the number of temporal intervals is increased from 5 to 25. Number of nodes per temporal interval was fixed at n = 1000 and gap size was set to g = 2. 84
Stable Clusters (5) Running time for BFS seeking top-5 paths. m is the number of time steps. Average out degree set to 5, and max gap size set to 1. 85
Stable Clusters (6) Running time for DFS as we increase the number for nodes in each time step and length of l Seeking top 5 path in a graph over 6 time steps 86
Stable Clusters (7) 87
Stable Clusters (8) 88
Stable Clusters (9) 89
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 90
Qualitative Results Capturing clusters of keywords with strong pairwise correlations Capturing the dynamic nature of stories in the blogosphere, and their evolution with time. Handling topic drifts 91
Content Introduction Related Work Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Cluster Graph Breadth First Search Depth First Search Adapting the Threshold Algorithm Normalized Stable Clusters Online Version Experiments Cluster Generation Stable Clusters Qualitative Results Conclusions 92
Conclusions Formalize the problem of discovering persistent chatter in the blogosphere Applicable to other temporal text sources Identifying topics as keyword clusters Discovering stable clusters Aggregate stability or normalized stability 3 algorithms, based on BFS, DFS, and TA Experimental Evaluation 93