Sooooooo … What did we learn?
Top Interests Topics Changing the University University/Industry Partnerships Public Relations Research
Changing the University 1. Focus on what will have impact 2. Initiate a survey non-CS courses that use computing. 3. Initiate a survey of requirements for non-CS majors 4. Redefine faculty requirements for pedagogy. 5. Create dual tenure tracks for teaching and research 6. Recognize pedagogical achievements. Use smaller, more frequent awards. 7. Develop a study by a representative group in industry of what they need/want in computing student preparation
University/Industry Partnerships 1. Create a new ranking system for schools. 2. Create legacy with more communication and sharing about existing programs. 3. Create incentives for partnerships. Universities should be rewarded, not punished for working with practitioners. 4. Identify different ways of collaborating beyond recruiting. For example, team teaching with academia and industry.
Public Relations 1. Choose who should get the message first. 2. Develop talking point cards, videos, and other forms of targeted messaging. 3. Create a repository of content. 4. Develop messages that undergraduates would read and would inform them. 5. Award mini-grants for teachers. These provide more opportunities for publicity in the press. 6. Encourage partnerships between university faculty and K-12, since this can get states’ attention.
Research 1. Write a white paper on the top 5 challenges. 2. Identify, develop, and centralize resources.
What’s happened since? ASEE action items: Initiate recognition of pedagogical achievement, such as best paper, best education resources More discussion at the next ASEE Annual Conference where 'business is done'. – logical place to start in both EE and CompE [because of the significant software component] On the Executive Committee of the ECE Division agenda for Business meeting in June also contacting Software Engineering Constituent Committee to see if there is joint interest
What has happened, con’t Sigcse action items: Gather data about experiences on dual track tenure lines (research and teaching). Getting the Survey of Non-Major's courses underway. NCWIT submitted a DARPA proposal to fund a mini-grant program to support teachers
What’s happened, con’t CACE (Coalition for Advancing Computing Education) -- (National) Computing Education Coordinating Council) Broad representation (ACM Ed Board, AIS, ASEE,CRA, Brazilian CS, CSAB, CSTA,IEEE CS, NCWIT, SIGCSE, SIGITE) Created a web presence at Ensemble: A Digital Library for Computing Education ( under the name FOCES: CACE. All CACE artifacts produced thus far are posted on the site: telecon meeting minutes, CACE proposals and reports, and summaries of discussion held online and at meetings. Developed a draft vision for the future of CACE (challenges, purpose, strategies and organizations), which recommend the formation of Computing Education Coordinating Council.