Welcome to Kindergarten! Teachers: Mrs. Kossack, Mrs. Wituk, and Mrs. Riley
Introductions Administration Kindergarten Team
Reminders: School Procedures Before School: Parking Lot Breakfast reminders During School: Lunch reminders Attire/change of clothes After School: Parking Lot
Be here, Be ready Bring to school daily Healthy snack Lunch choice Binder/Folder with behavior calendar Keep in locker “Specials” shirt/gym shoes Change of clothes
1 Snack The following are appropriate school snacks :
Snack Please do not send items like these for snack:
Curriculum We will be teaching skills based on the National Common Core Standards www. corestandards.org
Curriculum Reading Recognize upper case and lower case letters and sounds Read words by sounding them out Recognize and read “tricky” words Comprehension skills Distinguish sounds in words Recognize rhyming words
Reading Recommendations: How do I help? Read with your child everyday! Ask your child to share their favorite parts of the story! Ask your child about what they did in school! Have them write you a letter about what they learned! Or, have them draw a picture and explain it to you!
Curriculum Writing Write with a pencil using an appropriate grip Follow writing lines Write letters, words, sentences, and a paragraph
Writing Recommendations: How do I help? Have students draw pictures about topics and have them write about it! Writing can be done in any form! Writing note, writing a letter, writing a postcard, writing directions! Encourage your child to do all!
Curriculum Math Recognize/identify geometric shapes Recognize/identify number name and value Print numbers Count to 100 Addition/subtraction
Math Recommendations: How do I help? Ask your child to count items up to 20! Example: Count how many animals at the zoo! Count how many cars you see! Ask your child to compare numbers! Example: How many bracelets does your sister have on compared to you?
Curriculum Social Studies Listen to stories and participate in activities about family, community, and holidays Scholastic News Science Listen to stories and participate in activities about weather/seasons, transportation, sink vs. float, magnets, animals, and plants Scholastic News
More Recommendations: How do I help? Expose your child to many experiences and talk about them! Zoo Museums Library/Story time Visit for a list of events in DuPage County:
Personal Habits- Practice at home Tell phone number Tell/recognize full name Tell home address Tie shoes Dress themselves (zippers, buttons, etc.)
Homework Please check and remove papers from your child’s folder every day.