Human Resource Management ekuo lalk/ku izcU/ku Rashtriya Sewa Bharati jk”Vh; lsok Hkkjrh
Human Resource Management ekou lalk/ku izcU/ku RSB-HRD-NOV Of all the managements Human Resource Management is more complex. lHkh izcU/ku esa ekuo lalk/ku izcU/ku vf/kd isphnk gSA 2. The Structure of human beings are made up of 5 levels of capsules. eUkq”; dh jpuk ikWap RkRoksa ls cuhZ gS i. Annamaya Kosh- Body Conscious Level vUue; dks”k ii. Pranamaya Kosh-Breath Conscious Level; dks”k iii. Manomaya Kosh-Mind Conscious Level eukse; dks”k iv. jnanamaya Kosh-Intellect Conscious Level Kkue; dks”k v. Anandamaya Kosh-Bliss Conscious Level vkuUn e; dks”k
3. Self analysis of personality of a person can be made with following traits. euq”; ds O;fDrRo dk Lo;a& fo’ys”k.k fuEu phtksa }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA RSB-HRD-NOV
7 4. How a person deals with others, can be judged by the traits of interpersonal profile.,d O;fDr dk nwljs ds izfr dSlk O;ogkj gS] mlds ikjLifjd :ijs[kk ds y{k.kksa ls tkuk tk ldrk gSA 5. Voluntary Organizations are channalising energy & wealth of the society to benefit the needy poor in Which human resources Component play a very important role Lo;a lsoh laLFkk;sa lekt dh ’ kfDr vkSj lEink dk mi;ksx t:jreUn fu/kZuksa dh HkykbZ ds fy;s djrh gSa] ftlesa ekuo lalk/ku vge Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gSA 6 Karyakartas should imbibe certain qualities to do Seva activities successfully. lsokdk;Z dks lQyrk iwoZd djus ds fy;s dk;ZdrkZvksa dks dqN xq.k viukus pkfg;s i. The concept of Sewa should be selfless duty without any expectation. lsok dh vo/kkj.kk,d fu”dke deZ vkSj fcuk dksbZ vis{kk dh gksuh pkfg, ii. Positive mental attitude. ldkjkRed lksp iii. Move with the people freely without ego and to make & win friends. fcuk fdlh vge] yksxksa ls feyuk tqyuk vkSj yksd laxzg djuk iv. Influence people by his behavior/talks. vius O;ogkj vkSj ckrphr ls yksxksa dk eu thruk v. Self motivation. Lo;a izsj.kk
RSB-HRD-NOV vi. Strategic thinking – out of the Box. fof’k”V j.kuhfr dk lksp vii. Knowing others ’ psychology is important. nwwljksa dh ekufldrk dks le>uk egRoiw.kZ gSA viii. Communication should be focused. lans’k tks nsrs gSa] fufnZ”V] vkSj dsafnzHkwr gksuk pkfg, ix. Professionalism-including managing the organization, project management, people management, communication, public relation, etc. laLFkk dk izcU/k] izdYi dk izcU/k] yksxksa dk izcU/k] lwpuk] tulEidZ vkfn is’ksoj <ax ls gkasA 7. Human being is an asset having physique, intellect and emotion and the leadership qualities in a person can be developed by following traits. Ekuq”; HkkSfrd] ckSf)d vkSjHkkoukvksals ;qDr cgqewY; lEink gSAO;fDr esa usr`Ro ds xq.k fuEu phtksa }kjk fodflr fd;s tk ldrs gSa i. Self development-personality development Lo;a fodkl&O;fDrRo fodkl ii. Problem solving capacity leL;k lqy>kus dh {kerk iii. Decision Making fu.kZ; ysuk iv. Character Building pfj= fuekZ.k v. Emotional management Hkkoukvksa dk izcU/ku vi. Communication-Public speaking lkoZtfud Hkk”k.k dyk
RSB-HRD-NOV vii. Team Building & succession plan Vksyh fuekZ.k vkSj mRrjkf/kdkj ;kstuk viii. Development of creativity & Intelligence jpukRedrk vkSj cqf)eRrk dk fodkl ix. Passion for Sewa activities lsokdk;ksaZ ds izfr ftKklk x. Building up courage, energy & capacity from with in /kS;Z]’kfDrvkSj {kerk bu xq.kksa dks Lo;a fodflr djuk Who is Successful Leader? lQy usrk dkSu gS\ i. Do not under estimate yourself-self belief and confidence is very important Lo;a dks de ugha vkaduk&vkRefo’okl vfr egRoiw.kZ gSA ii. Clarity of vision-know what you want Li”V n`f”Vdks.k&tkfu;s vki D;k pkgrs gSa\ iii. Setting right, realistic, achievable goal Bhd] ;FkkFkZ] izkIr djus ;ksX; y{; j[kuk iv. Be focussed-which will have magic effect of convergence of sunrays. /;ku dsfUnzr djuk & bldk lw;Z dh fdj.kksa ds lafeyu tSls tknqbZ izHkko iMrk gSA v. No shortcut to success-systematic planning of task-by dividing over all goals into smaller targets, monthly plan to weekly, weekly to daily which are easily achievable lQyrk dk dksbZ NksVk ekxZ ugha gS lqfu;ksftr ;kstuk ls dke djuk&vkSj vlkuh ls y{; izkfIr djus ds fy, ekl] lIrkg] nSuafnu dk;Z dh ;kstuk cukuh pkfg,
RSB-HRD-NOV vi. Take risks-to be successful in life thou esa lQyrk ikus ds fy;s tksf[ke mBkuk vii.Take initiative-you will make success happen and do not wait for the success igy djuk&lQyrk dh izfr{kk djds ugha cSBuk vkSj fdlh Hkh gkyr esa lQyrk izkIr djuk viii. Never hesitate to struggle- Hard work with systematic planning la?k”kZ ls dHkh ihNs gVuk ugha&O;ofLFkr ;kstuk }kjk ifjJe djuk (ix). Own responsibility of failure & try again for achieving the goal foQyrk dk nkf;Ro Lohdkj djuk vkSj y{; izkfIr ds fy, iqu% iz;kl djuk (x). Never give up-you never know that you are very close to success dksf’k’k tkjh j[kuk&vkidks irk Hkh ugha pysxk fd vki lQyrk ds ikl gh [kMs gSaA Who is prone to failure? dkSu foQy gksrk gS\ i. Not listening to others ftudks nwljksa dks lquus dh vknr ugha gS ii. Not working as a team, individual ego, non-adherence to group procedures & work process tks Vksyh esa,d gksdj dke ugha djrk] ftldk vge T;knk gS vkSj dk;Z i)fr vkSj fu;e dk ikyu ugha djrk iii. Bad inter personal relationships ftldk vkilh O;fDrxr laEcU/k cgqr cqjk gS iv. Not conducive organizational environment tgka laLFkk esa izfrdwy okrkoj.k gS v. No passing on information to others in the organization laLFkkesa vU; lkfFk;ksa dks lwpuk ugha igqapkrk vi. No skill potential imparted to in the organization laLFkk esa nwljksa esa dkS’ky {kerk fodflr ugha djuk vii. No consistency – loss of energy & enthusiasm, lack of purpose, identity fujUrjrk dk vHkko&mRlkg vkSj ’kfDr dh deh] y{; vkSj igpku dh deh viii. Mutual mistrust, unconstructive discussion vkilh vfo’okl] xSj jpukRed cgl
RSB-HRD-NOV Karyakartas dk;ZdrkZ i. Identify, mobilize, develop and manage p;u]yksd laxzg] fodkl vkSj izcaU/ku djuk ii. Ability- inherited / cultivated fodflr dh gqbZ Creativity- inherited/cultivated -Initiative - cultivated jpukRed fodflr fd;k gqvk xq.k&Lo;a LqQwfrZ ls&fodflr fd;k gqvk xq.k iii. Delegation of power/authorities vf/kdkj dk fodsanzhdj.k iv. Presenting organisation to Samaj& also Samaj to organization laLFkk dks lekt esa ifjp; djokuk vkSj lekt dks laLFkk esa v. Attitude-ability euksHkko& {kerk A-ability {kerk + W-Willingness bPNk = working ability = dk;Z{kerk vi. Exchange of views with new entrants, Dialogue once in a month at least for one hour uokxarqdksa ls fopkj foe ’ kZ] eghus easa,d ckj de ls de,d ?kaVk gj,d dk;ZdrkZ ls O;fDrxr ckrphr vii. Learning & teaching process lh[kus vkSj i<us dh izfdz;k viii. Interaction-not programme oriented vukSipkfjd ckrphr ix. Planning succession mRrjkf/kdkjh dh ;kstuk x. Influence on a person by a). Person b). Group c). Society (Education, Sanskar, Family, Position, Trust of people, Opportunities & Situation also play an important role O;fDr ij izHkko& 1 O;fDr dk 2 lewg dk 3 lekt dk ( f’k{kk] laLdkj] ifjokj]in]volj vkSj ifjfLFkfr dk Hkh izHkko iMrk gS ) Public speaking lkoZtfud lEcks/ku Preparation, Information, Data collection, Editing, Writing, Speech plan card. rS;kjh] tkudkjh] vkadMs,d= djuk] lEiknu] fy[kuk] Hkk”k.k dh ;kstuk lwph Posture, Gesture, Eye contact, Pause, Stress, Voice pitch. <ax] Hkko] vak[kksa dk lEidZ] vYi fojke] tksj nsuk] vkokt dh xfr