LOBBYISTS AND PRESSURE GROUPS What are pressure groups What are pressure groups Business as a pressure group Business as a pressure group Positives of pressure groups Positives of pressure groups Negatives of pressure groups Negatives of pressure groups
Did you know: The word lobbyist originated with President Ulysses S Grant, who liked to get out of the White House and often went to Washington’s Willard Hotel for brandy and cigars. Anyone who wanted access to the President would know to find him in the lobby there. President Grant was the first to refer to these DC power brokers as lobbyists.
PRESSURE GROUPS pressure groups are interested in influencing political decisions not in holding political office pressure groups are interested in influencing political decisions not in holding political office pressure groups represent pressure groups represent labour labour agriculture agriculture professionals professionals religious groups religious groups ethnic groups ethnic groups the environment the environment
PRESSURE GROUPS most use the up-to-date technologies like , the internet and fax machines to communicate most use the up-to-date technologies like , the internet and fax machines to communicate pressure groups use both direct and indirect methods to influence decisions pressure groups use both direct and indirect methods to influence decisions lobbying is a from of direct or indirect communication with government members to influence public policy lobbying is a from of direct or indirect communication with government members to influence public policy in Ottawa there were more than 5,000 lobbyists registered with the federal government in 2011 in Ottawa there were more than 5,000 lobbyists registered with the federal government in 2011
LOBBYISTS lobbyists often focus their attention on senior civil servants who are more permanent than elected officials lobbyists often focus their attention on senior civil servants who are more permanent than elected officials it is easier to influence the policies of a government during the formation stage rather than after they are announced it is easier to influence the policies of a government during the formation stage rather than after they are announced when they do focus on elected officials, they choose cabinet ministers as their focus when they do focus on elected officials, they choose cabinet ministers as their focus politicians and the major parties use their own public relations companies to provide feedback by polling politicians and the major parties use their own public relations companies to provide feedback by polling
BUSINESS AS A LOBBY GROUP large corporations have entire public relations departments dedicated to influencing government decisions large corporations have entire public relations departments dedicated to influencing government decisions Corporations are also large contributors to both the Conservative and Liberal parties in Canada Corporations are also large contributors to both the Conservative and Liberal parties in Canada the NDP receives most of its funds from labour organizations the NDP receives most of its funds from labour organizations to prevent wealthy groups from having too much influence, the government limits the amount of money that candidates and parties are permitted to spend to an election campaign to prevent wealthy groups from having too much influence, the government limits the amount of money that candidates and parties are permitted to spend to an election campaign in addition, radio and television stations must provide both paid and free broadcast time for each party during an election campaign in addition, radio and television stations must provide both paid and free broadcast time for each party during an election campaign
POSITIVES OF PRESSURE GROUPS 1. Principal mechanism by which interested groups make their preferences known to government 2. Pressure groups provide decision makers with feedback from the real world 3. Pressure groups provide opportunities for meaningful political activity and help governments identify areas of dissatisfaction 4. Pressure groups act as an escape valve for people’s frustrations 5. Governments use pressure groups to test proposals, giving opportunities for advice and input
NEGATIVES OF PRESSURE GROUPS 1. Pressure groups are disproportionate in their ability to finance with time, effort and money their lobbying efforts 2. The most active pressure groups represent producers rather than consumers 3. The most influential pressure groups represent business 4. Pressure groups work behind closed doors undermining the concept of open government 5. pressure groups have the potential to enable the minority to dominate the majority