Generational Theory- Insights to Better Understand Each Other Linlea Armstrong, Medical Geneticist, and Faculty Developer Acknowledgements to Dr Hardwick, Dr Stogryn, Becky Hartley
1. The generational types 2. Formative changes and events Social Knowledge Technology 3. Application to teaching Outline
The Boomers Gen X’ers 64/id ?mt=8 64/id ?mt=8; drawers/ drawers/ Social changes Family structure Commerce Formative events/ movements
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The Knowledge Explosion David F. Hardwick Knowledge Decades
/Fords-best-loved-models.html?image=1 Technology and communication
ndex.html&usg=__DTmy2SvDJSIhkQWWPAiXmiIJAsA=&h=200&w=776&sz=103&hl=en&start=15&sig2=_MLRGdefsgkealDH4- K88A&zoom=1&tbnid=jtYCQnZ2wgk56M:&tbnh=37&tbnw=142&ei=GXW2T9iZK6KoiQK42cDHBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dinterpr Values, motivations, and effective learning support
Boomers Give recognition ($$ and title) Build rapport Give respect Communicate that they are valued and needed Include them in meetings Address career advancement Sandra E Gibson, 2009 Nursing Education Perspectives vol 30 no 1 p 37
Boomers Provide generous, positive reinforcement and praise Focus on challenges Provide assignments for skill development Provide flexibility in learning options (e.g., learning contracts) Communicate primarily face to face Sandra E Gibson, 2009
Gen Xers Avoid unnecessary meetings Speak quickly and directly, cut to the chase Address the work/life balance Give clear, direct explanations for changes (especially extra work) Present specific information immediately ( , chat rooms, instant messaging) Give them a piece of the task that they can do ‘Their way’ Sandra E Gibson, 2009
Gen Xers Provide short learning activities followed by group interaction Provide short-term, challenging goals Use bullets to highlight important points Include online supplements Consider coaches or mentors Sandra E Gibson, 2009
Millennials Encourage creativity with technology and reward Balance didactic and discovery activities with opportunities to ask questions Present short and clear goals/objectives Use interactive sessions with teams/groups Sandra E Gibson, 2009
Millennials Allow them to have a voice in the plan (leave time for their goals and ideas) Allow them to address work/life balance Let them ask questions Facilitate their collaboration with the team Present positive messages Allow them to have creative alternatives Voice clear expectations Provide structure Define roles Provide respect Sandra E Gibson, 2009