Worle Community School E-Safety for Parents and Carers Penketh Community Primary School September 2015
Worle Community School Welcome! Accessed anywhere anytime Easy to communicate with friends and family Wide and flexible range of information Motivational and fun A key skill for life Raise standards Why do we use ICT?
Worle Community School Aims of this session Look at how children are using the Internet Raise awareness of eSafety issues Consider ways you can support your children Offer guidance on keeping your child safe Promote the positive Respond to the negative
Worle Community School The Internet and Related Technologies Internet Their space Our spaceYour space
Worle Community School Technology is not just computers anymore… iPads iPods iPhones Tablets Mobile phones iWatches Games consoles
Worle Community School How we use these technologies Parents / Carers Shopping Booking holidays Research Young people Music Games Chat Instant Messaging IM Blogs Social Networking
Worle Community School Moving on…… Download Consume “Corporate” Separate media Static (Parents / Carers) Young people web2 Upload Create Personal Converged media Interactive
Worle Community School Some of the technologies…… BLOGS Podcasting Instant messaging Gaming sites Social networking Chat Rooms Mobile phones Video broadcasting Music Download sites What next ??? Text
Worle Community School Camera phones Text messages MP3 player Mobile TV Mobile phones Downloads Internet access Anytime Anywhere Chat and IM
Worle Community School Chat Rooms are websites or part of websites that provide an area for communities with common interests to chat in real time. Many Many Instant Messaging IM is a way of communicating with another individual in real time across the internet using text-based not voice communication. One One Chat Rooms Instant messaging
Worle Community School Games are played by all ages with regular players spending 11 hours per week Role-play, adventure and life simulations are becoming very popular Added extra elements of self-expression and personalisation Play on-line with other gamers from around the world Play in real-time Gaming sites Half of children aged 8 to 15 own a games console, while a further third use one in the household - Ofcom report 2006.
Worle Community School The New way to communicate… Do you know who your children are talking to? Do you know what conversations they are having? Do you know what language they are using? Do you know what games they are playing?
Worle Community School Some of the games we are hearing about in school… -Call of Duty -Grandtheft Auto -Halo -Midnight at Freddies The Problem…
Worle Community School What can we do? -follow the Pegi rating games. -pre-play or monitor games that are bought. -read reviews on line. Parents – do your homework!
Worle Community School Video broadcasting Video sharing websites are where users can upload, view and share video clips Videos can be rated and the number of times viewed recorded Video recorded with mobile phones can easily upload YouTube is one of the ten most popular websites
Worle Community School Are you aware of some of the videos/bloggers that some children are listening to? KSI We were going to show a small clip but due to the nature of the content within the first minute, we could not!
Worle Community School Setting Restrictions on Youtube How to Restrict YouTube in iPod touch and iPad com/youtube/restrict- youtube-and-safari/ m/watch?v=Y8w3Id0wh lY Restrict YouTube video
Worle Community School Social networking Based on the idea of networking with friends and friends of friends
Worle Community School Potential Dangers with FaceBook -communicating with strangers -online bullying -confidentiality -Photos -language -target audience -advertising
Worle Community School iPad Safety – setting restrictions Use the Apple website
Worle Community School A test…. Can you work out these rules for safe surfing devised by pupils? Uv d ryt 2 feel safe ll d tym, includN wen UzN ICT or yr mob ph In school we have the motto: IF IN DOUBT… SCREEN GOES OUT! Text What do you do at home?
Worle Community School School Home Supervised Monitored Filtered Curriculum ?
Worle Community School Over to you – discuss How aware are you of eSafety issues? Has your child experienced threats to their eSafety? Do you and your child talk about using the internet safely?
Worle Community School Home and Family Guidelines ☺Practical principles Talk with, NOT at your children. Agree family guidelines and rules. Discuss regularly online safety. ☺InfrastructureVirus and firewall software up to-date, Browser ‘safe search’ enabled. ☺Education Learn together about new technologies and enjoy! Reflect together about new technologies, the benefits, dangers and potential. ☺Systems Keep webcams in family rooms Monitor time spent on the internet View the ‘History’ or purchase filtering software. Have proportionate responses to problems..
Worle Community School eSafety - resources resources/parents-and-carershttp:// resources/parents-and-carers abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/