River information service of Ukraine
Main objectives of RIS of Ukraine 0enhance inland navigation safety levels, 0increase efficiency of transportation by inland waterways and environment protection, 0provide navigation-related information on RIS web portal, 0information regarding navigable inland waterways of Ukraine and factors effecting navigation conditions within RIS operation area at Rivers Dnieper and Danube. 0enhance inland navigation safety levels, 0increase efficiency of transportation by inland waterways and environment protection, 0provide navigation-related information on RIS web portal, 0information regarding navigable inland waterways of Ukraine and factors effecting navigation conditions within RIS operation area at Rivers Dnieper and Danube.
RIS Structure Centre of Ukrainian IWW RIS RIS web portal AIS main centre InternetInternet InternetInternet InternetInternet InternetInternet InternetInternet InternetInternet InternetInternet RIS users RIS centre RIS subcentre ARTP (automated radiotechnical post of AIS BS) ……
About RIS of Ukraine RIS of Ukraine consists of following main objects: 0main RIS centre in Odessa, 06 RIS subcentres on River Dnieper that are located at locks of the Dnieper cascade in cities of Nova Kakhovka, Zaporizhzhia, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Svitolovodsk, Kaniv, Vyshhorod, 03 RIS subcentres on River Danube. 024 automated RIS posts sed on AIS (Automated Identification System) network, which allow operation over all Ukrainian segment of the River Dnieper. 02 automated RIS posts sed on AIS on River Danube. RIS of Ukraine consists of following main objects: 0main RIS centre in Odessa, 06 RIS subcentres on River Dnieper that are located at locks of the Dnieper cascade in cities of Nova Kakhovka, Zaporizhzhia, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Svitolovodsk, Kaniv, Vyshhorod, 03 RIS subcentres on River Danube. 024 automated RIS posts sed on AIS (Automated Identification System) network, which allow operation over all Ukrainian segment of the River Dnieper. 02 automated RIS posts sed on AIS on River Danube.
Web portal objectives within general RIS structure Web portal within RIS Centre provides interested services and simple users with current and reference information: 0regarding navigation conditions at waterway and waterway status, 0transport fleet actual positions, 0status of hydraulic structures, 0dangers and calamities along the waterway. Web portal within RIS Centre provides interested services and simple users with current and reference information: 0regarding navigation conditions at waterway and waterway status, 0transport fleet actual positions, 0status of hydraulic structures, 0dangers and calamities along the waterway.
Users of web portal information services Interested services of Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure Skippers Dispatchers of locks, ferriage, bridge SE «UKRVOSHLIAH» Shipowners Dispatchers of ports and berths Other administrative and regulatory authorities (EMERCOM and law-enforcement agencies) Web portal Agents, consigners and consignees
Web portal structure ServiceFAIRWAY ServiceNOTICES ServiceDANGERS&CALAMITIES ServiceTRAFFIC Service HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES River information services are implemented as individual pages accessible to users of the portal information services.
Technical solutions used by RIS services Service Fairway Service Notices Service Traffic Service Hydraulic Structures VHF – communications Internet Local area network and RIS Intranet network Network of AIS base stations and AIS main centre Service Dangers & Calamities
Web portal Actually, web portal is a “Single window” for access to the RIS information and has single authorisation procedure for portal users and guests.
Portal main window
Service «FAIRWAY» Service «Fairway» includes static and dynamic information, as well as urgent information about fairway. Static and dynamic information isprovided under certain schedule and updated once per diem. Operation of the service provides following information: 0actual and predicted water levels; 0depth of the fairway at limited segments; 0obstacles and restrictions along the fairway; 0weather conditions and storm warnings along the waterway; 0actual conditions of the ice cover. Operation of the service provides following information: 0actual and predicted water levels; 0depth of the fairway at limited segments; 0obstacles and restrictions along the fairway; 0weather conditions and storm warnings along the waterway; 0actual conditions of the ice cover.
ServiceFAIRWAY Service FAIRWAY Info report Water levels Path dimensions Restrictions at fairway Navigational and shore situation Ice conditions Meteorological conditions Waybills Data input display Preview of notices Waybill archives Way information Archives
Service «Fairway» at web portal Info report
Service «Fairway» at web portal Waybills and archives
Service «Notices» Service «Notices» receives, processes and delivers notices to the interested users: 0regarding fairway situation; 0regarding harsh hydrometeorological conditions; 0regarding water levels; 0regarding ice conditions. Service «Notices» receives, processes and delivers notices to the interested users: 0regarding fairway situation; 0regarding harsh hydrometeorological conditions; 0regarding water levels; 0regarding ice conditions. Operation of this service should comply with UNECE Resolution No. 60. This Resolution defines format for the standard data that could be used to issue Notices to Skippers in Internet or to deliver them via or SMS. Content of the Notices is being coded in machine-readable file XML, TEXT, CODE. Tables of the standard are compiled on 21 language of the European Union Member States and three additional languages, namely Croatian, Serbian and Russian. Standards ensure that skipper would be able to read and understand these Notices over entire European waterway network and therefore contribute into the navigation safety. Moreover, encoded information could be used directly for calculations, e.g. in voyage planning or in translations to the user’s language and displayed in respective format on the user’s screen. Operation of this service should comply with UNECE Resolution No. 60. This Resolution defines format for the standard data that could be used to issue Notices to Skippers in Internet or to deliver them via or SMS. Content of the Notices is being coded in machine-readable file XML, TEXT, CODE. Tables of the standard are compiled on 21 language of the European Union Member States and three additional languages, namely Croatian, Serbian and Russian. Standards ensure that skipper would be able to read and understand these Notices over entire European waterway network and therefore contribute into the navigation safety. Moreover, encoded information could be used directly for calculations, e.g. in voyage planning or in translations to the user’s language and displayed in respective format on the user’s screen.
Service NOTICES ServiceNOTICES Search & review of notices Search & review of notices at web site in text, CODE and XML formats Reception of notices in Russian, English and other languages in accordance with Resolution No. 60 Subscription on notice forwarding Send notices
Service «Notices» at web portal Search notices Send notices
Service «TRAFFIC» Service «Traffic» should receive, process and provide interested users with tactical and strategic information: 0Regarding registered voyages at the waterway; 0Possibility of voyage registration; 0Data regarding general location of the transport fleet; 0Traffic & cargo flows over specified time intervals and waterway segments. Service «Traffic» should receive, process and provide interested users with tactical and strategic information: 0Regarding registered voyages at the waterway; 0Possibility of voyage registration; 0Data regarding general location of the transport fleet; 0Traffic & cargo flows over specified time intervals and waterway segments. Voyage registration is performed under requests of agents or shipowners. Voyage numbers are prescribed centrally by respective service of the web group. Source of these data regarding actual location of the transport fleet are as follows: 0Vessel tracking and tracing system based on AIS ( AIS-net); 0Data of the dispatcher services. Voyage registration is performed under requests of agents or shipowners. Voyage numbers are prescribed centrally by respective service of the web group. Source of these data regarding actual location of the transport fleet are as follows: 0Vessel tracking and tracing system based on AIS ( AIS-net); 0Data of the dispatcher services.
Service TRAFFIC ServiceTRAFFIC Vessel voyage registration Input of data about vessel and transported cargo Reference data about vessels (hulls) Review of vessel voyage data Statistic reports on vessel and cargo flows AIS-locations of vessels at electronic charts Locations according to dispatcher service (status, waterway segment) data Current vessel locations Vessel voyage history
Service «Traffic» at web portal Registration of new voyage
Service «Traffic» at web portal Actual vessel location (dispatcher data)
Service «Hydraulic Structures» Service «Hydraulic Structures» receives, processes and provides interested users with: 0Information on lock operation schedule and status: 0Lock operation schedule 0Technical specifications 0Water levels at high/tail waters 0Restrictions/special modes of lock operation 0Information on berths/terminals 0Dimensions 0Depth near berth 0Mooring schedule 0Types of cargo 0Possibility to receive dangerous cargo 0Left (right) bank 0Location (kilometre along the waterway, coordinates) 0Information about bridges and crossings 0Bridge schemes 0Operating schedule & restrictions 0Signals at bridges 0Dimensions of bridge navigable судовых ходов в судоходных spans 0Bridge navigation arrangements Service «Hydraulic Structures» receives, processes and provides interested users with: 0Information on lock operation schedule and status: 0Lock operation schedule 0Technical specifications 0Water levels at high/tail waters 0Restrictions/special modes of lock operation 0Information on berths/terminals 0Dimensions 0Depth near berth 0Mooring schedule 0Types of cargo 0Possibility to receive dangerous cargo 0Left (right) bank 0Location (kilometre along the waterway, coordinates) 0Information about bridges and crossings 0Bridge schemes 0Operating schedule & restrictions 0Signals at bridges 0Dimensions of bridge navigable судовых ходов в судоходных spans 0Bridge navigation arrangements 0Information about operation of the hydroelectric power stations 0Location 0Technical specifications 0Restrictions for navigation, imposed by HEPS operation
Service Hydraulic Structures Service HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES Reference data of locks, bridges, ports, hydroelectric power stations Description, specifications, operating schedule and contacts of the objects Schemes of the objects and their locations Current status and changes in lock working times Real-time data of lock operation
Service Dangerous Situations Service DANGEROUS SITUATIONS Reference data on vessels Vessel locations from AIS chart Cargo data Information on number of persons onboard Information on cargo (quantity, origin) Cargo destination point Emergency situation at waterway Dangerous cargo at vessel
Service «Dangerous Situations» at web portal Voyage with dangerous cargo
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