Secure internet Secure generations. The Italian Team. Fera Guglielmo, Landolfi Rosaria, Marconcini Luciana.
Report about the Final questionnaire after the pilot time. In Italy team we have had back 54 questionnaires completed. I Personal Information 1 Gender 38 people female, 16 male 2 Age The 40% were 41/45 The 30% were 46/50 The 20 % were 51/ 55 The 10 % were 35/40
3 Level of studies The 40% have done High School The 20% have done Senior school The 10% have done Primary school The 30% have done University and Master.
4 The professions 7 housewives 12 clerks 8 technicians 4 drivers 6 teachers 2 shop assistant 4 cooks 5 bank assistant 2 hairdresser
3 tailors 3nurses 1 headmaster 1actress 1 chemist 5 Residence Verona, Italy 6 Number of children ( 1,2,3,more than 3) 2 40%, 3 are 20% 1 are 30% more than 3 are 10 %.
7 How many computers do you have in your house? Anyone = 10% One = 30% Two = 30% Three = 10% More than 3 10% 8 Know how to use a computer ( 1 is not-5 is a lot) 3 40% 2 30% 4 20% 1 or 5 10%
9 Do you have an internet Connection? 85% yes 15% no II Parents’ level of knowledge of the Internet 10 What is your level of knowledge of the internet ( 1is not-5 is a lot) 40% is 4 30 % is 3 10% is 1 (not) 20% is 5 ( a lot)
11 Where does your knowledge of internet derive from? From my own use of internet 50% From special seminars 30% From my children 10% From my friends 10% 12 How often do you use the internet? Everyday 1-2 hours 50% Everyday 2-3 hours 30% 2-3 times a week 10% Never 10%
13 Have you ever used the internet options below? (internet search for information, use, chat, audiovisual communications, social networking, e- shopping, blog, software download, e banking, other activities) 50% used all 30% only e- mail, social network and chat 20% only software download and e- banking. 14 Do you believe that internet can be dangerous?( 1is not – 5 is a lot) 50% 5 30 % 4 20% 3
15 To what extend do you believe you are aware of internet dangers?( 1 is not- 5 is a lot) 3 is 50% 4 is 30% 5 is 10% 1 is 10% 16 to what extent do you believe that the possibility of full Internet protection can be realized?( 1 is not- 5 is a lot) 1 is 60% 2 is 30% 3 is 10%
III Extent to which parents are familiar with the dangers their children face when using the internet. 17 What is the age, the school class and the type of school of your children that use internet the most? Secondary School 50% Lyceum 50% ATTENTION……the following questions are about your child using internet the most.
18 How often does this child use the internet? Everyday 1-2 hours 50% Everyday 2-3 hours 30% Everyday more than 3 hours a day 10% 2-3 times a week, at school 10% 19 Does your child have her- his own computer? Yes 50% No 50 %
20 How often does your child access the internet from the computer? They have at home 50% 5 Of friends 50% 3 Of relatives 50 % 2 They use at school 50% 5
21 During which part of the day does your child use the internet the most? Afternoon 60% Evening 25% After midnight 15% 22 For which purpose do you think your child uses the internet?( the most) For entertainment 20% For playing games 20% For writing in blogs 30% To send e mail 10% To find information about school projects 20 %
23 Did you discuss with your children his – her internet activities?( 1is not-5 is a lot) 50% 4 30% 3 20% 2 24 In which room is the computer? 50% in a common room 30% in her- his room 20% in your room
25 Are you or any other member adult nearby when your child uses the internet? Yes 50% No 50% 26 Ten internet dangers…The following are ten dangers that may threaten your child when using the internet. After reading then carefully, choose the three most
important to you. Put number 1 to the most important danger, number two to the second and three to the third. 1 To show weaknesses at school, to get alienated from family and friends, ther health to be threatened because of internet overuse. 2 Publishing personal data ( e.g. Id number, credit card number) share personal data with strangers 3 Communicate with strangers. IV Measures taken by the parents for children’s protection. 27 Have you ever discussed internet dangers with your child? 60% yes I have already discuss them 20 %No. Because I completely trust my children. 20% I would like to but I don’t know how to do.
28 has your children informed you whether she- he has ever been in any kind of danger during internet use? Yes 30% No 70% 29 If your answer to previous question is yes, please specify the danger. Hackers, virus, lost of information, waste of time on the internet. Pornography.
30 Do you believe that you as a parent can protect your child from internet dangers?( 1 is not 5 is a lot) 1 50 % 2 10% 3 10% 4 10% 5 10%
31 Please specify your answer to question 30 I can use programs to control them I can have a look when there are on the internet. I can use Parental control My child is 18 I can’t control! There are too much dangers! 32 Which measures have you taken for your child’s protection? Parental control. Antivirus. Firewalls. Forbidding the children to use internet without supervision. Specific programs.
33 The following are 6 measures that may you take as a parent for your child safety when using the internet. After reading them carefully, choose 1 to 3 measures, the most important in your opinion. Put number 1 to the most important measure, number 2 in the second and 3 in the third. 1 keep the pc in a common room of the house and be as much is possible with them when using the internet. 2 To install computer programs that prevent access to illegal website. 3 Ask the school and general bodies of your local society to organize information session for students and parents about the danger of internet.
The end