Beowulf the Poem By Victoria Helmer And Ryne Holland
Time & Place Set mainly in denmark and geatland Now southern sweden During the sixth century
Purpose Is to entertain and instruct: Honorable Values Morals Ethics of the culture
Backround First epic poem in english literature Believed to be composed between the mid-seventh century and the end of the tenth century May have been passed down orally Probably composed in writing by one man
Background No known author Very well rounded writer and poet
Background Poet fused early germanic history, legends, mythology, and ideals with christianity faith and values People cherish the qualities of beowulf: courage, loyalty, and generosity
Characters Beowulf- ideal warrior of the Geats and the hero of the poem Dragon- a fire- breathing, snakelike monster that terrorizes the Geats Grendel- a monster with human qualities that terrorizes Herot Grendel’s Mother- monster that also terrorizes Herot
Characters Wiglaf- young warrior and relative of beowulf Hrothgar- Danish king and builder of Herot Higlac- king of the Geats and uncle of Beowulf
Characters Shild- king of danes and great- grandfather of hrothgar Unferth- warrior in hrothgar’s court who challenges beowulf Welthow- hrothgar’s wife
Universal themes Transcend cultures and historical periods Such as life and death Good and evil
Worked Cited Beowulf Study Guide Handout 922wiglaf.jpg owulf.html
Worked Cited hortsharpscience/uploaded_images /whitelight jpg /themeanalysis.html