Central Region Presented by: Leanne Stanley CEO – Wellington LALC
Central LALCs - Regional Overview Nine rural communities Large Aboriginal populations Large youth populations High Aboriginal unemployment rate Limited employment opportunities Limited asset base A strong cultural connection to heritage and country
Our Future Remember and educate our youth on the history of Land Rights. Remember and educate our youth on the Legends of Land Rights in this Region. Recognise and respect our Elders. Engage our youth. Build capacity within our LALCs for a stronger and sustainable future. Protect and maintain our Culture and Heritage. Leverage our assets to create wealth, jobs, training and providing benefits to our Community.
Culture and Heritage Insert Slides
Gungie Origin – Wellington DID DRUGS AREN’T A PART OF OUR CULTURE – DON’T MAKE THEM A PART OF OUR FUTURE….. It is up to us to make the change! (John Flick) STAND IN UNITY and reignite our Cultural Values and have a ZERO TOLERANCE of Drug Dealers and provide the HELP and HEALING needed for our people suffering from Drug Addition. This is NOT an option for OUR PEOPLE
Regional Development Central Region Aboriginal Land Corporation Wholly LALC owned enterprise 9 shares – can’t be sold/traded Incorporated under CATSI 9 member board Re-elected annually at AGM Annual Audit
Nyngan LALC – Flying the Flag Successful campaign to get Shire Council to fly the Aboriginal Flag Partnership – development of garden and bushwalk
Play Nyngan LALC film
Mudgee LALC Up-skilling members and community Vision to transition to economic development for members
Play Mudgee LALC film
Wellington LALC Vision for Nanima Village
Play Wellington film